This is just a quick mail to note that today was Day 4 of the 377 case hearings 
in the Supreme Court and quite a lot of time, around four hours, was given to 
the case. The counsel for the Delhi Commission on Child Welfare continued to 
speak right through, and the Bench posed a lot of questions which indicated 
that they are looking at this issue in-depth and from all points. 
Because of the length of time, the report will take a bit longer to come. For 
all those who have been appreciative of these reports, thanks, but really my 
role in them is quite limited. The basic work is done by our excellent sources 
in court, and now that we are getting more and more into the matter, we will 
just be posting the basic report with perhaps a few clarifications where 
needed. It may take more time to come today, but as soon as I get it I will 
post it on. 
One word though about comments and discussions. Its fine to have these, and it 
is fine to post the reports further, but please note that any discussion has to 
be polite all around and, in particular, must avoid making comments that might 
seem disresepectful about the Judiciary. Ashok has also made this point well on 
lgbt-india, and you will note that the reports are careful about things like 
referring to them as the Bench, and not in their individual capacity. 
We are not making this point with any desire to stifle debate and views, but 
that there are realities of reporting and discussing the Judiciary that must be 
kept in mind. We should also keep in mind that some of our opponents are very 
probably on these lists and will be only to happy to take comments out of 
context and use them against us, if they can. So please continue to read and 
discuss and use these reports, but please be responsible with what you are 

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