*cordially invites you to a screening of

* 'Howl'*   From the makers of 'The Times of Harvey Milk', a film that pays
tribute to one of the greatest works of the Beat generation and the American
poet who wrote it, Allen Ginsberg.

*Sunday, 27 March 2011*


*Synopsis: *The poem "Howl" contains many references to drugs and sex, both
heterosexual and homosexual. On the basis of one line in
particular, US customs officials seized 520 copies of the poem on March 25,
1957, being imported from the printer in London. A subsequent obscenity
trial was brought against the poem's US publisher. Nine literary experts
testified on the poem's behalf. Supported by the American Civil Liberties
Union, Ferlinghetti won the case with the judge deciding that the poem was
of "redeeming social importance". The case was widely publicized (articles
appeared in both Time and Life magazines). The film depicts the events of
the trial. As Allen Ginsberg (James Franco) talks about his life and art,
his most famous poem is illustrated in animation while the obscenity trial
of the work is dramatized. Pivotal to the story are the mental illness of
Ginsberg's mother and her early death, the poet's friendship with Neal
Cassady, struggles with homosexuality before embracing it, falling in love
with Peter Orlovsky, and Ginsberg's take on the poem's theme - freedom of
expression. (from

*Time:*  6pm to 8pm.

*Venue: *Humsafar Trust, Centre for Excellence, Ground floor, 'Riviera',
15th Road, Santacruz West, Mumbai. (see map:www.tinyurl.com/cefemap).

*Space courtesy:* The Humsafar Trust http://www.facebook.com/HumsafarTrust

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