Its with great pleasure that we would like to announce the formation of
TTGMT *( Tri-Testicular Gay Men’s Trust)*.  To the lay man this is an
association of gay men with three testicles. TTGMT will strive for the equal
status of Tri-testicular men amongst the LGBT community. The LGBT community
is rife with discrimination and we Tri Testicular Gay Men find no place in
it.  It is with this intention that we have decided to come together and
form our Trust that will take care of Gay men who find themselves with more
balls than the common ordinary gay man.

While it is obvious that a man with more balls should be respected, but in
this new age anti-patriarchal society, we are being pushed to the fringes of
the LGBT community. The Transgender lobby has espoused its cause well and we
take great inspiration from them. Considering that they have no balls and
occupy one end of the spectrum it is heartening to see how they have rallied
and stood up against the discrimination faced in the LGBT community. The
hijras in particular have done an amazing effort by distinguishing
themselves from the gay men and have paved the path for us .

Unfortunately we TTGM have been further discriminated by the transgender and
Hijra groups as they have refused to liaise with Gay men with more balls. We
were told that having an extra testicle does not make us more man , and that
we should have our mental health checked for claiming to form such a group.
We have been most disheartened to receive such hostility from a marginalised
group such as the TGs and hijras.  Laxmi Narayan Tripathi even disallowed us
an invitation to her Super Indian Queen Contest, “No men with 3 balls”, she
roared,” I cant even handle two yet”!

The gay men have always discriminated against us , they are insecure about
our natural assets and our sexual proclivities. We have not been included in
the MSM circle which is famously referred to as Ashok Row Kavi’s balls. When
we contacted Mr. Row Kavi , he  said , “ Everyone has a ball in the MSM
circle , why do you need an extra one”. We have faced discrimination even in
this space. Where do we go?

We hence approached our favourite lawyer Mr. Aditya Bondopadhyay over phone
, but I think we got  bad network , we have noted down some of the things he
screamed  out painfully and are on the look out for a translator, since we
are not sure what the terms meant. Some of us feel it could be Bengali,
while others believe that it was Haryanvi. We felt that although he was very
keen to help us, we were confused with his tone. We think it was a bad

We discussed about approaching other groups in Mumbai, but decided against
it , since we felt that unless we consolidate our  identity , we cannot gain
ground in forming our space.

However we have not given up, we have decided to form this group of TTGM
with or without the help of other sexual minorities.

This is a call to all gay men with more balls, if you do have them please
get in touch with us on the below Email ID.  We will tell you about our
cultural heritage and how tri testicular men were venerated in the old days.
We will also deal with your counselling needs and underwear issues . We are
documenting this exercise so that funding agencies pay specific attention to
our needs.

UNDP, UNAIDS , HIVOS, and the broods..........................are you


*Claimer:* This mail is being sent with an intention to be humorous and
disrespectful. Any disagreements, abuses or threats can be sent to the above
mentioned e mail ID. Any mental trauma, hiccups, palpitations were intended
but not to the extent of any fatal consequences. We will however sympathise
with your lack of sense of humour.

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