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  Sunday morning, I was doing some legal research. What I found is the law is 
too ambiguous. The subject being adolescents and nudity. It is not clear to me 
what is legal or illegal to see or posses. In some cases, a totally clothed 
juvenile in a seemingly sexual pose can be illegal to see or posses. On the 
other hand, a photo of a juvenile in the nude may or may not be illegal to see 
or posses. It appears to to be in the eyes of the beholder or a third party. A 
convenient catch all. Even more disturbing, is we have creepy law enforcement 
officers who are hiding in the shadows, soliciting people to view media that 
could be illegal. I wonder why we pay for cops to entrap people, innocent 
people. It is natural for human beings to be curious about things that exist in 
our world. Being curious should not be a crime. Admiring youthful people is 
natural as well and should not be a crime. It is my opinion that it is truly 
creepy to criminalize every natural thing there is. It is also creepy to lead 
all of our youth to believe that just about every adult they meet wishes them 
sexual harm. I am fed up with the perception that if you say hi, or try to 
befriend a young person, then you're also planning to rape them. When I was a 
child, we respected our elders and we looked to them for guidance. I am tired 
of the puritans, politicians, and our government trying to make monsters out of 
everyone and everything.  They are destroying the world. We need to get back to 
simplicity and common sense. We need to make the manipulation of the people 
stop. Cops need to go fight some real crime. Politicians need to focus on some 
real issues. And all the shrinks need to be shrunk. The fact is if you have 
sexual contact with someone,you can say "no" instead of blaming the other party 
the next day or some thirty years down the road. To every body else, be careful 
what you see and what you store. We have creepy cops who are watching you. And 
finally, do  not send me any pictures of young people under the age of 18 that 
are involved in sexual activity and are also nude.

P.S. I love and admire youth and old people. They are cute and attractive and I 
don't care what anybody thinks about it. I will follow the law but , in doing 
so, I will not lose sight of myself. To the young people, I am there for you, 
not for your looks or your bodies. But, instead, be your friend as a fellow 
human being should. Youngsters, do not believe everything you hear. True 
predators are very few and far between. The others who may approach you can be 
told "no". If you don't say no and you know you should, than there is nobody to 
blame but you. And if any of you don't like what I have written here, you might 
remember that we have free speech and free expression and I just wish you'd 
take your ass out the door if you don't like it. Hugs and kisses, Marcus.

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