Gay Marriages Confront Catholic School
SAMMAMISH, Wash. — Eastside
Catholic prides itself on teaching acceptance. At the end of Crusader Way, by
the school’s entrance, banners hang celebrating “relationships” and exhorting
passers-by to “remember to take care of each other.” Students use a
sign-language gesture to remind one another of the school’s emphasis on
unconditional love.

But now the school is unexpectedly grappling with how
it defines both love and acceptance. Last month, a well-regarded vice principal
was forced to leave his job as soon as administrators became aware that he had
married a man; in the weeks since, the suburban Seattle school has been roiled,
first by protests in support of the vice principal, and then by the resignations
of those who sought his departure. The chairman of the school’s board resigned
last month, and on Tuesday, Eastside, a middle and high school with about 900
students, announced the resignation of its president.

The ouster of Mr.
Z, as the former vice principal, Mark Zmuda, is known, comes amid a wave of
firings and forced resignations of gay men and lesbians from Roman Catholic
institutions across the country, in most cases prompted not directly by the
employees’ sexuality, but by their decisions to marry as same-sex marriage
becomes legal in an increasing number of states.
This month, the band
and choir director at a Catholic school in Ohio was fired hours after he told
the school’s president that he planned to marry his boyfriend; in December, a
French and Spanish teacher at a Catholic school in Pennsylvania was fired days
after telling his principal he was applying for a marriage license in New
Jersey. Similar ousters have taken place at Catholic schools, universities and
parishes in Arkansas, California, Illinois, Missouri, New York and North
For Catholic school and church leaders across the country, the
ue is clear. The Roman Catholic Church opposes same-sex marriage, and
school officials, including Mr. Zmuda, generally sign contracts saying they will
abide by church teachings so that their lives can be models for their

But for some young Catholics, the firings are mystifying,
particularly given the new tone set by Pope Francis. At Eastside Catholic, some
students have taken to crafting banners with the quotation “Who am I to judge?,”
words uttered by the pope when asked about gay priests; others have been trying
to reach the pope via Twitter, hoping he will somehow intercede.

“He made
it safe for people to raise issues and questions that, in the past, they were
shut down for,” said Nancy Walton-House, whose son attended Eastside. “There’s a
lot of hope, and maybe some naïveté, about how fast things can

Eastside’s senior-class president, Bradley Strode, a 17-year-old
wrestler and lacrosse player, is seeking a meeting with the archbishop of
Seattle, arguing that even if the church’s doctrine does not change, its
employment practices should.

“It was just shocking that the Catholic
Church would turn its back on a teacher for something that didn’t affect his
work performance,” he said. “Gay marriage was something I never really thought
about before, but everyone can agree that employment discrimination is

 “Pope Francis has often reminded us of the limitless mercy of
God, for Jesus came to bring his father’s mercy,” Archbishop Sartain said. “At
the same time, Pope Francis has also reminded us of our responsibility as
Catholics to live the timeless truth of church teaching on a wide variety of
topics, including the sacredness of traditional marriage.”

Some students
have quietly expressed support for the decision to remove Mr. Zmuda, but the
prevailing sentiment at the school has been upset, reflecting, in part, the
shifting attitudes toward same-sex marriage among young people.

“A lot of
it is just generational,” said Christian Smith, a professor of sociology at
Notre Dame who studies the religious lives of teenagers. “It’s a distinct
minority who thinks there’s something wrong with same-sex relationships, and
that’s a big change from older generations.”

Eastside Catholic, faced
with intense blowback and sustained publicity over the removal of Mr. Zmuda, has
defended its decision but is clearly concerned about the impact on applicants
and donors as some students, parents and alumni ask what the ouster means about
the school they have chosen and cheered.

This month, in a step many in
the school community have found confusing, administrators gave a short-term
contract to a choreographer who, in a show of support for Mr. Zmuda, had
announced on talk radio that she was engaged to her girlfriend.
great that they’re keeping me, but it’s a little confusing,” said the
choreographer, Stephanie Merrow, 41, who taught the school’s students to dance
in a 2012 production of “Footloose,” and is now doing the same for this year’s
production of “Guys and Dolls.”

“I feel for them,” she said. “I think
maybe a mistake was made, and now what do they do?”

The school’s
president, Sister Mary E. Tracy, had also sent mixed signals. She initially
suggested to Mr. Zmuda that he might be able to keep his job if he got divorced,
and then oversaw his ouster. After weeks of protest, she asked Julia Burns, an
18-year-old senior, to share with the public this comment: “I look forward to
the day when no individual loses their job because they are married to a person
of the same sex.” Sister Mary did not respond to requests for an interview.

On Tuesday, when the board announced Sister Mary’s resignation, it
called the step “a difficult, but necessary decision so that a new leader can be
brought in to ensure the entire Eastside Catholic community is moving forward on
a positive path.”

Mr. Zmuda had not been at the school long, but he was
liked by students, especially on the swim team, which he coached. He married in
July, seven months after same-sex marriage became legal in Washington State, and
he was ousted in December, shortly after the school’s administration received a
complaint from a teacher about his marital status.

As students began to
hear about his dismissal, they sprang into action.

 “I found out about it
and just texted 15 or 16 people,” said Ian Edwards, 17, a senior. Word spread
quickly, and students staged an impromptu sit-in, skipping classes and gathering
in a commons to talk, and, in some cases, to cry. “We just shouldn’t allow this
discrimination to happen.”

Over the next weeks, the students took to
social media to rally support, gathering signatures on an online petition and
communicating via Twitter and texts. They protested outside Sammamish City Hall,
at a Seahawks game and outside the archdiocese of Seattle, where they were
joined by Ed Murray, then the city’s mayor-elect, who is Catholic and gay. Also
this month, many students wore orange — the more attention-getting of the
school’s two colors — to class one day to express their concern; and on Jan. 31,
the students are hoping that other Catholic schools across the nation will join
them in a similar act.

Alumni and parents are organizing online as they
seek to force change at the school.

“If I had read the school handbook
and it said, ‘We will hire you, but if we find out you are gay and you are
married, we will fire you,’ I would not have put my kids there,” said Florence
Colburn, who has two children at the school.

And Corey Sinser, 26, said
he was an enthusiastic alumnus (class of 2006), but that now, “I worry that this
will have a negative effect on the type of students who want to come, or the
type of teachers who want to work there.”

Some are hoping Mr. Zmuda will
get his job back; others are seeking a change in the school’s employment

Julia Troy, 17, a senior, said she believed that speaking up
was an outcome itself.

“I have gay friends, and I care about them,” she
said. “Even if all that happens is they know that I support them, that’s enough
for me.”

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