April 20, 2010
Girls accused of killing gay man in attack like Clockwork Orange

Adam Fresco, Crime Correspondent 



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Two drunken teenage girls kicked a man so badly as he lay unconscious during 
their homophobic attack that he later died, a court heard. 
Ruby Thomas and Rachel Burke, both 18, stamped on Ian Baynham’s chest and 
kicked him in the head after their friend Joel Alexander, 19, had punched him 
to the ground, knocking him unconscious, the Old Bailey was told. 
As Mr Baynham lay bleeding the teenagers continued to assault him, it was said, 
causing him to suffer a fit from brain damage after his skull had been 
When Mr Baynham’s friend stepped in to try to save him, Ms Burke attacked him 
too, punching him in the face, the jury was told. 
The three alleged killers fled from the scene and Mr Baynham was taken to 
hospital in East London, but he never regained consciousness and died 18 days 
after the attack in September last year. 
Brian Altman, QC, for the prosecution, told jurors that Mr Baynham and Philip 
Brown were walking through Trafalgar Square, in Central London, “minding their 
own business”. 
He said: “The scene is Trafalgar Square at the very heart of London, one of 
this city’s most famous open spaces, home to the National Gallery, Nelson’s 
Column, the famous plinths and late that evening, a scene of despicable 
“One onlooker likened the level of violence to a scene from the film A 
Clockwork Orange. What happened was an all too familiar and depressing tale of 
drunken, loutish behaviour. But what they did went far beyond mere antisocial 
“Remarkably, two of these defendants are teenage girls. Fuelled by copious 
amounts of alcohol, all three jointly participated in a violent attack on a 
defenceless man in public.” 
Mr Altman continued: “Mr Baynham was openly homosexual and what led to his 
death began with Thomas hurling homophobic abuse at him and his friend Mr 
Brown. She called them ‘f***ing faggots’. Mr Baynham grabbed and slapped her. 
“Alexander intervened and lunged at him, punching him in the face. He fell to 
the ground. It is certain that the force of the punch was such as to render him 
unconscious. His head hit the pavement and there was nothing to break his fall. 
The impact was so heavy that he suffered severe brain damage from which 
ultimately he was to die. 
“However, that did not suffice. There’s evidence that the females then began 
putting the boot into Mr Baynham as he lay unconscious on his back. He was 
deeply in distress from the blow. Shocked onlookers saw repeated stamping on 
his chest and forceful kicks to the head. He began making snoring noises, 
evidence of unconsciousness, and fitting on the pavement, signs of primary 
brain damage.” 
Mr Alexander, from Thornton Heath, Surrey, Ms Burke, from East Sussex, and Ms 
Thomas, from Litchfield, Staffordshire, all deny manslaughter and violent 
disorder. Ms Burke also denies causing Mr Brown actual bodily harm. 
The trial continues. 




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