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August 13, 2010

In Defense of Marriage

On Wednesday, unless there is an order from the United States Court of Appeals 
for the Ninth Circuit, gay and lesbian couples in California once again will be 
able to marry. Like other couples around the world, they will be able to pledge 
to support each other, buy some dishes, raise families, argue about the bills, 
maybe sit on a park bench years from now and chuckle at the hysterical old 
claims that their lives together would destroy the institution of marriage. 
All of this used to be possible in California but was made illegal in 2008, 
when 52 percent of the voters passed Proposition 8, prohibiting same-sex 
marriage. On Aug. 4, Judge Vaughn Walker of Federal District Court ruled that 
the proposition violated the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection and 
due process of law, and, on Thursday, he said marriages could resume beginning 
Because of Judge Walker’s firmly reasoned and occasionally soaring decision 
earlier this month, there was no reason to continue the prohibition. After a 
full-blown trial that gave opponents every opportunity to prove the harm caused 
by same-sex marriage, the court found that it caused no harm whatsoever to the 
state or society. But substantial harm was caused to gay and lesbian couples by 
depriving them of their constitutional rights. 
There already are 18,000 same-sex couples in the state who were married before 
Proposition 8 was passed, and their presence does not seem to have damaged 
relationships between men and women. The State of California filed a brief with 
the court urging that marriages be allowed to resume immediately, making it 
clear that it would impose no burden and would, in fact, serve the public 
The most intriguing part of the judge’s order on Thursday suggested that there 
may be no one with the proper standing to appeal the case to the Ninth Circuit. 
The State of California refused to defend Proposition 8 at the trial, so Judge 
Walker allowed a group called, which organized the campaign 
for the proposition, to present the defense. But he said the group has been 
unable to show that it was harmed by his ruling, and that ordinarily only the 
state could appeal a case like this. Because the state supports his ruling and 
won’t appeal it, he said there may be no appellate hearing. 
That question is up to Ninth Circuit. But even if Judge Walker’s ruling stands 
in California, it would be a shame if the case stopped there. Only through 
appeals, first at the Ninth Circuit and, ultimately, the Supreme Court, is 
there a chance that the principles set down by Judge Walker will apply to the 
entire country. Yes, there is the possibility that the judgment could be struck 
down, but it is sometimes necessary to take big risks to get important results, 
as the lawyers behind this lawsuit have demonstrated. If same-sex couples in 
California have the constitutional right to be part of the mainstream of 
society, then so should every couple in America. 




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