December 16, 2006
In New Jersey, Gay Couples Ponder Nuances of Measure to Allow Civil Unions 

  HOBOKEN, N.J. Dec. 15 — Away from the loud political arguments over the New 
Jersey Legislature’s vote to establish civil unions for same-sex couples, gays 
and lesbians across the state have begun to grapple with the practicalities: 
What verb to use? Get unified?
  After drinks at a bar here Thursday night, hours after the vote, Rosanna 
Durruthy, 44, said she and her partner would soon start planning the ceremony 
they had talked about for years. “This is great,” said Ms. Durruthy, a Hoboken 
resident who has lived with her partner for nine years. “Will we have the major 
event where we get the villa in Tuscany? We’re still discussing it.” (She 
favors the Amalfi coast.)
  Ms. Durruthy celebrated the news amid laughter and a long embrace with her 
old friend Bill Carter, 37, who lives in Texas with his partner. Mr. Carter was 
happy for his friend and said he considered the law a collective leap forward, 
but added of his home state: “There are no rights there; sodomy just came off 
the books.”
  New Jersey is the third state to give approval to civil unions; Massachusetts 
permits gay couples to marry but only if they live in the state. Since Vermont 
began allowing civil unions in 2000, between 250 and 400 New Jersey couples 
have gotten hitched there (along with about 200 New York couples a year). 
Connecticut’s civil union laws took effect in October 2005.
  The 2000 Census found about 16,000 same-sex couples living together in New 
Jersey, though the Urban Institute, a research organization, says the true 
count is as much as 50 percent higher; nearly one-third of them are raising 
  In interviews with more than a dozen gays and lesbians over the past three 
days, many talked about following through on long deferred plans now that the 
law has been passed. Other couples welcomed the broader rights but said little 
would change, saying that their commitments did not need a government sanction. 
There was approval from single people as well, even if some had not followed 
the debate as closely as their friends who share children, homes or bank 
  The legislation does not spell out procedures for obtaining civil unions, but 
advocates for same-sex marriage and state officials said the process was likely 
to mirror that for marriage. In New Jersey, couples apply for a marriage 
license in the municipality where the bride lives, unless the bride lives out 
of state; such rules would most likely have to be tweaked. 
  After a 72-hour waiting period, set aside to make certain a couple wants to 
get married, a municipal registrar issues a marriage license. Weddings in New 
Jersey can be performed by mayors, many judges, village presidents and 
  Eric Kabel, who works for a nursing agency and lives in Rahway, said that he 
and his partner signed up for a domestic partnership in New Jersey the first 
day that a law passed in 2004 went into effect.
  “Neither of us were real activists,” he said. “But we wanted them to see the 
number of people who signed up as partners.”
  When the civil union law takes effect — 60 days after the governor’s expected 
signature — the couple will head to City Hall, Mr. Kabel said, adding, “I don’t 
care if the city clerk does it.”
  But while they are eager to claim the rights and benefits provided by the new 
law, Mr. Kabel lamented that a heterosexual couple who met “five minutes ago” 
can get a marriage license, while he and his partner of 16 years cannot.
  “We’re a suburban, boring couple, with a yard, a dog,” he said. “We’re 
friendly to our neighbors.”
  Steve Mandeville and Victor Aluise, partners of 16 years who share a house in 
Ocean Grove, exchanged wedding bands years ago, in Sedona, Ariz.
  “We were in a beautiful place, it was a beautiful day,” Mr. Mandeville 
recalled. “It doesn’t matter what you want to call it. If it will keep the 
heterosexual people happy, let’s just call it a union. Isn’t that what a 
marriage is anyhow?”
  Mr. Aluise said the two had not yet decided if they would have another big 
ceremony, but they would wait until April 25 — the anniversary of their 
domestic partnership registration — to register for their union. “I’m elated, 
and I’m proud to be a New Jerseyan now,” he said.
  Though advocates for civil rights for gay people vowed to keep pushing for 
same-sex marriage, Alan Fox, the manager of the bar in Hoboken where Mr. Carter 
and Ms. Durruthy had a drink, the Cage, said he had no desire for gays to win 
the right to marry.
  Marriage, Mr. Fox said, had been for his parents (who eventually divorced). 
If he married, “it would be offensive to my people like my mother,” Mr. Fox 
  Jan Moore, 70, hailed the new law as good for young people. “They won’t be 
made to feel like second-class citizens, people who have to walk around and 
hide who they are or what they are,” she said in a telephone interview from her 
home in Ocean Grove.
  Ms. Moore’s partner, a 77-year-old woman who refused to give her name, gave 
voice to the fears felt by an earlier generation. “I was in New York when the 
cops used to raid bars,” she said. “You had to show papers. They’d say, ‘Does 
your mother know who you are?’ ” 
  She also said she had no interest in marriage. “I’m an old Italian,” she 
said. She said when she was growing up “it was always a man and a woman.”
  Ms. Moore, a great-grandmother, said she and her partner have been together 
for 36 years.
  “We’ve climbed a mountain,” Ms. Moore said. “I didn’t think I would see this 
in my lifetime.”
  Laura Mansnerus contributed reporting from Trenton

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