Indians want 'Love Hotels' for sex
New Delhi, March 28, 2005

Sting operations are forcing Indian couples out of their bedrooms. They now want 'Love Hotels' where they can walk in, have sex and walk out. The only condition - no candid cams!

Over 65 per cent of those who took part in the HTTabloid  Outrageous Quiz 2005 are in favour of carnal sanctuaries where they can fall madly in bed with their partners. While some believe it would save parks for people who just want to walk in them, others feel 'Love Hotels' are sure to generate employment as well as pleasure.

India's newfound spirit of promiscuity was evident elsewhere too. According to 67 per cent respondents, prostitution should be legalised in the country. There was no point fighting a losing battle, they said. Since any attempt to ban the world's oldest profession was bound to fail, the government would do better to bring sex workers under the tax net! Some even saw it as the answer to AIDS control and a way of making women self-reliant by cutting out the touts.

But Indians certainly aren't gay about their sexual preferences. The fact that 88 per cent respondents didn't want reservation for homosexuals leaves no room for ambiguity. Although most were content to spew venom against what they saw as 'unnatural' there were some voices of sanity - homosexuals didn't deserve special treatment not because they were an abomination but because homosexuality was a lifestyle choice, not a disability.

Surprisingly, it wasn't sex but politics that Indians seemed truly outraged about. The people's verdict is clear - fed of unseemly brawls inside the Parliament, an overwhelming 74 per cent of HTTabloid  surfers want their leaders to go out and fight some real wars where life and death isn't about winning the next election. A lean, mean legislature isn't the only thing people expect when compulsory military service is imposed on politicians - besides doing one good deed in their lifetime, they would also have a better idea of the havoc that wars cause, claim respondents.

Apparently the idea has a downside too - politicians might render the Indian Army too weak to fight even Bangladesh, say cynics.

The Outrageous Quiz threw up some other interesting responses as well:

1. If you thought cricket was a religion in India, you are wrong. 78 per cent participants said they were very happy with their 33 crore gods and had no intention to replace them with the Boys in Blue. Cricket is just sport and let it remain that way, was the common refrain.

2. While they may not worship them, 72 per cent of those who took part in the Quiz wouldn't abandon their sporting idols, no matter how poor their performance. Why court-martial sportsmen and women, they ask, when it is officials and politicians who have failed to provide adequate infrastructure in the country?

3. 72 per cent respondents want to send those who cause pollution to the gallows. Since someone is bound to get killed by the rising levels of toxicity in the environment, they figure it might as well be the ones responsible.

4. 60 per cent of those polled agreed that families with three or more children needed to send them into the Army. But those opposed to the idea said that it was parents, not their offspring who needed to face conscription for failing to practice family planning.

5. Despite the obvious temptation to say yes, 66 per cent respondents made it clear that they didn't want public nudity legalised. According to them, Indians were neither mature enough to handle nakedness on their streets and nor did most of them have a body that could be displayed with any great sense of pride.

6. While 35 per cent people wanted Mallika Sherawat as Censor Board chief, others said her appointment would leave nothing to be censored.

7. Arguing strongly against porn in school curriculum, 77 per cent respondents said basic sex education would be a better idea. However some thought porn could indeed be educative if it was created specially for that purpose.

8. Fat Indians were spared additional burden. The overweight were already forking out enough 'taxes' to hospitals and doctors, felt 67 per cent of those who took the Quiz.

9. Only 29 per cent people want emigrants taxed. The government, say others, has no right to stop Indians from migrating abroad or asking them for money, unless it can guarantee jobs in the country. In fact encouraging a large chunk of the population to leave, might actually be a good idea, they claim.

10. The fact that only 29 per cent respondents said they were in favour of Valentine's Day being declared a National Holiday, is only a Pyrrhic victory for Shiv Sena and other rightwing organisations. Most prefer working on the day rather than be grounded at home with no chance to meet the one they love.

11. There will be no free rides to the Parliament for the scions of India's political families. A hereditary Prime Minister or President has no place in a democracy, said 88 per cent of those who participated in the Quiz.

12. Indians continue to cling to their cellphones but a meager 22 per cent agreed they would pay taxes for making calls or sending SMS. According to them, politicians already had enough money to squander.


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