Dear all,
for the life of me I do not recall if I have already shared this study
(apologies if I did), but IT IS FASCINATING....
This is probably one of the first time that empirical data supports
something that we have always believed, namely HOW ONE IDENTIFIES ONESELF
The captive setting of the Thai conscripts, where both diversity of
background and behaviors are assured (plus the lottery that leads to
conscription ensures an preliminary degree of randomization amongs a
certain age group in the whole nations) actually makes this on of the best
quality data that can possibly have been obtained.

DO read on...
- Aditya B


17 Aug 2012
Most young Thai MSM define as heterosexual, even if they mainly have sex
with men
by Gus Cairns,<>

A large, randomised sample of 21-year-old Thai men has found that by far
the largest risk factor for HIV infection is gay identity. Scientists found
that compared with exclusive ‘tops’, versatile gay men were 6.8 times more
likely to have HIV and exclusive ‘bottoms’ 8.6 times more likely.


A large, randomised sample of 21-year-old Thai men, presented at the 19th
International AIDS Conference in Washington recently, has found that by far
the largest risk factor for HIV infection is gay identity. *Contrary to the
oft-quoted saying “it’s not who you are, but what you do,” actual male/male
sexual behaviour, while still an important risk factor, was not as strongly
associated with being HIV positive as gay identity.* <>, a social media campaign
organised by the Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre to increase the
awareness of HIV/AIDS among the MSM community in Thailand and encourage
Safe Sex and HIV Testing.

The survey was conducted among over 35,000 army conscripts from all parts
of Thailand. All 21-year old Thai men enter a lottery at the age of 21 for
conscription into the Thai army and of these half a million young men,
60,00 to 100,000, in any year, are conscripted, twice a year in May and

This survey thus constituted a truly randomised, cross-sectional survey of
the 21-year-old men who were inducted into the Thai army in May 2011. It
was conducted no more than two weeks after induction and therefore serving
in the army had no influence on the results. Men from all provinces in
Thailand were included and from both urban and rural areas.

The survey found that 7% of respondents had had sex with another man (MSM)
but that only 1.1% only had sex with men.

In all MSM, 83% identified as heterosexual, i.e. desiring women only. Even
in exclusive MSM, only 21% said they desired men exclusively and 31% both
men and women, meaning that nearly half (48%) of men who’d in fact only
ever had male partners said they actually preferred women.

Only 0.5% of all respondents had HIV, and only 2.6% of the MSM. However HIV
prevalence increased to 9.4% in men who exclusively had sex with men, and
to 16% in men who said they preferred sex with men, i.e. who identified as
gay or transgender. Gay identity was in fact quite uncommon, at 180
individuals out of 35,359, or 0.5% of respondents.

*Having sex with both men and women was associated with a 4.5-fold higher
risk of having HIV, and solely having sex with men with a 35-fold raised
risk; but defining oneself as wanting sex with men and women was associated
with a 26-fold raised risk, and as wanting sex only with men with an over
60-fold raised risk.*

*One of the explanations for desire being a greater risk factor than
behaviour was that sex role was highly predictive of HIV infection:
compared with exclusive ‘tops’, versatile gay men were 6.8 times more
likely to have HIV and exclusive ‘bottoms’ 8.6 times more likely. If
non-gay-identified MSM are more likely to be insertive, this would explain
why activity was less predictive of HIV than identity.*

Another might be that the culturally-accepted way of being an MSM in
Thailand, at least outside urban centres with gay scenes, has tended to be
to become a Katoey (ladyboy/transgender). 'Out' Kaoteys would tend to be
exempted from military service, until 2011 because they had a 'mental
disorder', now changed to 'gender identity disorder'. So this survey would
tend to under-represent certain self-identified MSM.

Other traditional HIV risk factors were more common than MSM sex. While
only 3.2% of all respondents had ever injected drugs, 33% had had sex with
a female sex worker, 10% had been in prison and no less than 52% had ever
used non-injectable methamphetamine which, as Yaa Baa (‘mad pills’), is the
most common recreational drug in the country.

Other risk factors associated with HIV included having a lot or a little
education, compared with the average: being a graduate was associated with
a nearly two-fold raised risk of HIV and having less than 10 years’
education with a 1.7-fold raised risk. Other unsurprising risk factors were
having been paid for sex (5.6% of respondents had, and 2% of those had
HIV), ever having had forced sex, and having had more than six lifetime sex
partners (the median number), which doubled the HIV risk.

Other risk factors were all heightened in men who’d had sex with men
(except injection drug use, which was no more common). Of all MSM, 19% had
been jailed, 16% had ever had forced sex, 31% had sold sex for money, and
no less than 69% had used methamphetamines. Perhaps surprisingly, even the
proportion who had had sex with female sex workers was higher than in the
whole sample – 52%.

*Slides are obtained from the webcast viewable at<>

However, far from their being risk factors for HIV infection, in the whole
group, having had sex with a female sex worker and injection drug use were
actually associated with a reduced risk of HIV infection. These
associations were not statistically significant, but in the group of men
who had sex with men, sex with female sex workers and imprisonment were
also associated with a lower likelihood of HIV infection, and these
associations were significant.

The researchers found that condom use with female sex workers (FSWs) was
very high – 93% of the men used one last time they had contact with an FSW
and 71% every time in the last 12 months. The same was true of female
casual partners – 79% had used a condom with one last time, though only 29%
all the time in the last year. But when it came to sex with men, condom use
was less common, with 65% using one last time and 21% consistently in the
last year.

The findings of this survey differ from previous surveys of gay men in
selected Thai cities, which have found very high rates of HIV prevalence
(30% in Bangkok) and incidence (over 6%).

This shows the difference between surveying a self-selecting gay/MSM
population – the Bangkok surveys have been conducted in gay clubs, STI
clinics and cruising areas – and looking at sexuality and HIV prevalence in
a truly random sample of men.

The most interesting findings were that MSM behaviour and gay sexuality or
desire were so loosely associated with each other, and that the risk
factors traditionally associated with HIV in Thailand appear no longer to
be risk factors.


Rangsin R et al. *The recent impact of MSM on the prevalence of HIV-1 among
young men in Thailand*. Nineteenth International AIDS Conference,
Washington DC. Abstract THAC0303. 2012. *See abstract

*This article was first published by
NAM/<> and
is republished with permission.*

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