Dear Colleagues,
NFI is pleased to announce their recently developed resources available for 
free to download, web links and other details are given below. 
Please visit the website and select the resources you want to use. 
New arrivals
1.      Taking care of ourselves –Guidelines for MSM Living with HIV – The 
South Asian context
This handbook, while focusing on a range of issues regarding physical 
well-being and living with a range of illnesses and physical problems arising 
from HIV infections, also tries to explore the psychosocial issues of 
kothi-identified males. It seeks to provide valuable information to kothi-based 
HIV programming in terms of providing knowledge on care and support issues, and 
urges community-based organizations to develop an appropriate home care “dost” 
support systems (Buddy System), that enables kothis living with HIV to be 
supported by their peers, who have a personal and experiential understanding of 
how kothis experience their lives.
Web URL:
2.       Faith, sexual diversity and stigma poster series
In the South Asia region (and elsewhere), many kothis, zenanas, metis, 
gay-identified men, and other MSM, along with hijras and transgenders2 have a 
strong faith affiliation, whether this be Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, or 
Christianity, or any other faith.
This deep inner sense of faith often provide a sense of personal comfort and 
belonging to people who are highly stigmatized and socially excluded because of 
their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Naz Foundation International, as a secular organization providing 
institutional, technical, and financial support to its country partners in 
South Asia, understands the strong bonds of faith and personhood, and is 
seeking ways to demonstrate that having a strong faith does not necessarily 
stigmatise the diverse sexualities that many MSM and transgender express. 
This range of posters expressing support from religious texts for those of 
differing sexualities, is the first attempt to develop a range of resources 
that reflect positive attitudes from a range of religious faiths.
Available language versions:English, Hindi and Malyalum
Should you want a language specific version of the posters you wish to use, 
please write to us. 
Web URL:
3.       Useful terms for HIV prevention
These terminology guidelines has developed for colleagues considering use of 
appropriate language has the power to strengthen the MSM/TG response to the HIV 
and AIDS. 
Web URL:
For other useful resources, Interesting news items and latest resource 
material, go to you may find useful & browse in 
regards of you work.
We encourage you to circulate this publication to colleagues.
With Best,
Javed abbas

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