A reminder about the book launch on Friday.

On 21 August 2010 14:25, Nitin Karani <nitin.kar...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  *Penguin Books India, Bombay Dost and Crossword
> cordially invite you to the
> *
> *Official book launch of R Raj Rao's 'Hostel Room 131' by Onir
> *
> *
> *
> * *
> *on Friday 27 August 2010 at 7.00 p.m. **at Crossword Bookstore, G-1, Plot
> No. 250-B, Kanaiya Building, Linking Road **Bandra (W), Mumbai.*
> Seven years ago, we proudly organised the launch of Raj's first novel 'The
> Boyfriend' in Mumbai. We are now pleased to be associated with the launch of
> Raj's latest, 'Hostel Room 131' by noted filmmaker Onir.
> If you'd like to share the event invitation, please feel free to forward
> this email or share this link: *http://tinyurl.com/HR131*
> *About the author:*
> R. Raj Rao was born in Bombay and now lives in Pune where he is
> professor in the Department of English, University of Pune. Two of his
> books, BomGay
> and The Boyfriend (the latter published by Penguin India, and
> translated into French and Italian) are regarded as cult classics. His other
> books
> include One Day I Locked My Flat in Soul City (short stories), Slide
> Show (poems), The Wisest Fool on Earth and Other Plays, Nissim Ezekiel: The
> Authorized Biography, Ten Indian Writers in Interview (edited), Image
> of India in the Indian Novel in English (co-edited), Whistling in The Dark:
> Twenty one Queer Interviews (co-edited). Rao in a pioneering
> Indian academic who runs a course on queer literature in his department.
> *Synopsis of the book:*
> In the winter of 1978, Siddharth, 23, meets Sudhir, 20 in a friend's
> room in Pune's Engineering College Hostel. He falls instantly in love.
> A man of unconventional views--he believes, for instance, that the
> two heroes in Sholay have the hots for each other rather than for the
> heroines--Siddharth becomes a full time lover over the next seven years and
> stubbornly pursues the object of his lust and affection, despite his
> job as a college lecturer in Bombay.
> There are many obstacles along the way, including Sudhir's family,
> against whom Sidharth files a police complaint, and Sudhir's classmates from
> Belgaum, led by the homophobic Ravi Humbe, who start an
> anti-Siddharth association. But Siddharth gets support from Gaurav and
> Vivek, a militant
> gay pair keen to ambush the enemy.
> Deadpan humour and farce come together in this entertaining love
> story, giving us a glimpse of what really goes on in a boys' hostel.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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