As I had posted earlier last week I was not able to post reports on the 
proceedings partly because I was out of town and partly because once it became 
clear that the judges were speeding up the case and our opponents would soon 
have finished speaking, most of the people on our side became hugely busy 
preparing to present our case. As a result they stopped taking notes on the 
proceedings, but other people in court were doing so, and these are the 
(slightly edited) minutes that I am posting here. Please note, the credit for 
this goes to our enthusiastic volunteers who are in court all the time. 

This report is from a week back, last Tuesday, and as you can see, a large 
chunk is taken up with the government trying to limit the damage caused by the 
entirely unwarranted and misguided intervention of Mr.Malhotra. Perhaps the 
only good thing to come for this is that it has forced the government to make 
its stand about as clear as it ever well, but this has come at the cost of 
annoying the Bench who are understandably not amused at this waste of their 

SC hearing Day 5 - 28.02.12

The day's hearings began with the government trying to rectify the 
confusion created by Additional Solicitor General (ASG) Malhotra's 
unwarranted intervention. Trying to frame this as neutrally as possible, 
another ASG, Mohan Jain, said that the Ministries of Home, Law & Justice and 
Health were concerned with the judgment, but felt there was no legal error in 

This did not go down well with the Bench which was evidently highly displeased 
at how the government had wasted its time due to its lack of clarity. They tore 
into poor Mr.Jain, questioning his standing:
Bench: "Are you party through the Govt. of India? Are you party through the 
Ministry of Health? In what capacity are you a part? Can you change your stand 
from court to court? Can pleading in the first court change in the appellate 
court? Under what provision can arguments in pleading be changed? You are 
stating things that are not part of our papers."

Mr.Jain tried to repeat his point about the Ministries feeling the judgment had 
no error, but the Bench retorted: "It is not a decision by the Government. It 
is only a group of Ministers. If it is said by the Council of Ministers, then 
it is a decision of the Govt."

Mr.Jain tried to make the point that there had been two different government 
viewpoints in the Delhi High Court, from the Ministries of Home and Health, but 
this had come in for sharp  comments from the Bench then, and it did again. The 
Bench asked how the government could change its stand from court to court, and 
whether its arguments in the first court (Delhi High Court in this case) could 
change in the appellate court (Supreme Court)? 

The Bench then  pretty much ordered the government to take a final position:  
"We are hearing the constitutional validity of this law – ultra vires/ intra 
vires? It is a straight question. You file an affidavit taking your stand. It 
has to be an official stand. If you want to say Sec. 377 is partly/ wholly 
unconstitutional, say so. If you want to say that the court can say whatever it 
wants to say – you don’t need to say that (everyone laughs). The only question 
is whether 377 is valid. We will be confined to 377 and not go beyond."

Mr.Jain tried to bring the focus on the HIV/AIDS arguments for reading down 
377, on how the law made it hard to reach out to the MSM population. The Bench 
however was in no mood to accept just statements from the government, but 
wanted data, affidavits. 

Bench: "The judgment was in 2009. After that f the Govt. wanted to stop the 
spread of AIDS, they could have educated the public or done something else 
about it. It wouldn’t have taken much time. It is over 2 years now….to be 
precise 2 years 6 months….you should have filed an affidavit. Sorry, we don’t 
like to work like this. You cannot have a hidden agenda. Your papers should be 
available to the other side also and they should be able to respond. Whatever 
paper you have must be filed…"

Mr.Jain, really struggling now, reiterated that the Government's position 
was that there was no error in the judgment, but the Bench wanted something 
more precise: "Is it violative of Art. 14 [Equality before the law], 15 
[Prevention of Discrimination], 19 [Freedom of Speech], 21 [Protection of life 
and personal liberty]?"

Mr.Jain started to refer to what the government was saying, but the Bench 
interrupted again: "Which Govt?"

Mr.Jain: "Union of India."

Bench: "There are 3 Union of Indias. Which one is saying this?"

Mr.Jain: "Ministry of Law and Justice…"

Bench: " which Union of India is saying this? (judges laughing). How many 
Union of Indias are there? 4? So out of 4 how many are part of this? I can’t 
see all 4 in it, so how many are part of this? I can understand Health etc…but 
which Union of India has argued?"

Mr Jain came out with a definite date, saying that on 28 July 2009, the 
Ministry of Health and Law and Justice took a joint decision, and he went on to 
talk about how MSM were a high risk group for HIV, how they are often married 
and pass on HIV to them...

Bench: "The judgment does not have anything to do with MSM, HIV – it is about 
adults. Art. 14, 15, 19, 21…which of these in itself address HIV?"

Mr.Jain: "There are certain high risk groups because of their risky sexual 
behavior like MSM, female sex workers, injecting drug users…all are at high 
risk of getting HIV/ AIDS…NACO says that HIV is higher amongst them. HIV 
amongst general population is much less. The estimated number of MSM in 2009 
was 12.4 lakhs…since MSM also marry women, they pass it on to women…it is a 
risky behavior..also because of the hidden nature of these groups."

But the Bench is really not interested in the HIV aspect at the moment. It asks 
a perfunctory question about the institutional status of NACO, but also says 
firmly: "We are not deciding HIV/ AIDS. We are deciding whether 377 of IPC in 
HC judgment is ultra vires or not." 

Clearly this is all going nowhere, so Mr.Jain says for one last time that the 
government of India does not oppose the judgment, and then sits down. We are 
now back with our opponents - next up is Mr.H.P.Sharma, counsel for 
B.P.Singhal, one of our most long standing opponents, who has been there since 
the Delhi High Court.

Mr.Sharma quickly makes clear that his argument will about what is natural and 
unnatural: "Under the law there is something natural and something unnatural. 
In different statutes these words come many times... murder is an unnatural 
violence and so is homicide. Natural Justice – nature requires man to speak the 
truth. Justice is part of nature. It is natural. Injustice is unnatural. 
Unnatural offence is considered unnatural in a very popular sense. Fundamental 
Rights (FR) cannot be stretched too far. Court has to also look at Fundamental 
Duties (FD) and Directive Principles (DP). If someone’s sexual orientation 
affects someone else’s life, then it conflicts with Fundamental Rights. What 
materials should the court look at to see if it is ultra vires or not? Court 
should look at FR, FD and DP… "

[Side note: Fundamental Rights don't need explanation, and most of us will 
be familiar with the Directive Principles of the Indian Constitution from our 
civics classes, but the Fundamental Duties may be less familiar. And there is 
good reason for this - they are in the Constitution, but are one of its more 
ambiguous parts. For one, they were not originally part of the Constitution but 
were added during the Emergency through the 42nd Amendment. After the Emergency 
many parts of the 42nd Amendment were changed, but the Duties were left alone 
since they are (a) mostly stuff everyone can agree on, and (b) non-justiciable, 
so are aspirations, rather than legal obligations, unless specifically made so. 
An example, I guess, is the duty to respect national symbols which is the 
reason why, in Mumbai, we have to get up for the National Anthem in theatres - 
but after the state government made it compulsory. The point is that nowhere in 
the Fundamental Duties
 can I see anything that would support criminalising homosexuals - in fact, 
some like respecting our common brotherhood, preserving our composite culture 
and promoting a scientific temperament would suggest the opposite. For more:,_Directive_Principles_and_Fundamental_Duties_of_India#Fundamental_Duties

Mr.Sharma isn't just concerned with natural/unnatural, but also takes on 
the Right to Privacy  argument. This, he says, is limited: "Right to Privacy 
will not be available if the act is not a lawful act – adultery, gambling etc. 
If a person does not commit breach of law, he can enjoy privacy.  The crux of 
the matter is, can an illegal act be made legal if it violates Right to 
Privacy? Certainly not." 

Someone was bound to bring in religious texts sooner or later, and Mr.Sharma 
now does so, referring to the Manusmriti, the Bible and the Koran. This gets a 
reaction from the Bench: "Were these - Manusmriti, the Bible and the Koran - 
also placed before the HC?"

Mr.Sharma replies no, and wants to go on to talk about society, but the Bench 
isn't leaving him: "Who has authored Manusmriti?"

Mr.Sharma: "This is the original text. I have downloaded it from the internet. 
Anything downloaded from the internet is admissible as evidence…"

Bench: "So this is by which author? If the original is available with you, 
please give, we will consider…(says with a smile)."

Mr.Sharma just keeps talking, about Gandhi talking about unnatural vice in 
1929. I guess he hasn't read the Lelyveld book! More seriously, the problem 
with quoting Gandhi as disapproving of homosexuality is that he didn't much 
approve of heterosexuality either. The Bench makes a similar point by noting 
that Gandhi disapproved of many things, including alcohol, but Mr.Sharma keeps 
going, not listening the the Bench, until finally the Bench remarks: "You are 
paid to appear in court…are you also paid to hear?" 

Mr.Sharma ploughs on regardless: "There is something called unnatural and 
immoral. Irrational is immoral and therefore illogical. Society is ruled by 
logic. Society is ruled by logic. It cannot allow perverted act of sex between 
2 parties – this particular kind of sex is perverted sex. This is like an 
academic exercise where we are arguing the validity of a small part and 
completely ignoring certain other important aspects…" (Finally Mr.Sharma is 
halted by the lunch break is called and the Bench warns him and all the other 
petitioners that they will only get half an hour to argue in the afternoon. 

After lunch, knowing he doesn't have much time, Mr.Sharma crams together a 
whole bunch of arguments: "There is nothing like sexual minority under the 
constitution. On the mere apprehension that rights can be violated, the court 
cannot be moved... Incest marriage is also carried out with consent, but it is 
unnatural and so criminalised... Just saying that the police have special 
powers because of 377 is not right. Under IPC unnatural is not only in 377. It 
is also in Sec 100 (fourthly) where it talks about unnatural lust. In Sec 372, 
illicit intercourse is also included. Law has taken care of what is natural and 
what is unnatural…what a man of ordinary prudence can do and cannot do."

Sticking to their time, Mr.Sharma is asked to finish and then Mr.Praveen 
Agarwal, the counsel for Suresh Koushal is called. Since he represents the 
first person to file an appeal in the Supreme Court he had been the first 
counsel called on Day One, but he seemed so ill-prepared then that the Bench 
told him to prepare his arguments and speak later, which he now does. And he 
begins by trying to be clever and asks what locus standi (what involvement or 
right to be involved) Naz had to file the case, since it was a trust and only 
an individual could.... but he's cut short by the Bench: "Issue of locus 
should have been examined in the HC…not here." 

(In fact, as the Bench may be aware, this issue of locus was dealt with years 
back when an earlier Bench of the Delhi High Court threw out the case on this 
matter of locus standi, at which point we had appealed it to the Supreme Court 
on the narrow issue of whether an organisation like Naz could have locus standi 
in a matter of public importance like this and the SC then had agreed and sent 
the case back to the Delhi High Court where, eventually, we got our great 
verdict. So in a way this case had already been in the SC once, even if only on 
a technical point of law). 

Thwarted on that, Mr.Agarwal comes down to regular arguments and it is the 
'reasonable restrictions card that he is playing: "All Fundamental Rights 
operate in a square of reasonable restrictions. There is censorship in case of 
Freedom of Speech and Expression. Playing something at a high volume at night 
might trouble another person, so a restriction on that is within the purview of 
reasonable restrictions. What is covered by 377 is a social evil, therefore it 
can be curbed by reasonable restriction. High percentage of AIDS amongst 
homosexuals shows that it is a social evil…and so the restriction on it is 
reasonable… What is morality? In Bachhan Singh v State of Punjab, the court 
talks about prevailing standards of human decency…"

Bench: "Morality has different dimensions, different meanings. Even brothers 
living in the same house may have different standards of morality...Perception 
of morality pertaining to an act depends on the kind of society…what wasn’t 
moral before, maybe moral today. Perceptions are fast changing. Purdah system 
is moral in certain communities, and moral in some…even among certain Hindu 
communities…like in Rajasthan… there is the system of ghunghat Some will say 
that it is part of culture, some people will say why can’t those living in 
ghunghat have their basic rights?"

Mr.Agarwal, perhaps seeing the ghunghat as a neat way to drive a difference 
between the morality of 'real India' as opposed to the depraved cities, 
suggests that the court will not just consider morality in the metros, but the 
whole of India. The Bench, however, is discouraging: "Morality differs from 
person to person…profession to profession…court is not here to strike down a 
provision. There is a lot of misconception even among learned people about the 
role of the SC…we can only approve or disapprove the position taken by the HC…"

Professor Ruth Vanita has noted in these lists how the discussion only seems to 
have focussed on queer men, not women and for a (very brief) moment the 
discussion opens up. Mr.Agarwal notes that 377 does not create distinction in 
gender and that the section says “whoever "so it can be male, female, all…" 

The Bench: "We are asking for assistance to know if it talks of any class of 
persons? Does it say anything about the offenders gender? What is against the 
order of nature?"

Mr.Agarwal tries to answer by using the Bench's own example of surrogate 
mothers as something that 
might be natural, but against the order of nature, but I think that example was 
used to suggest how things were changing, and the Bench cautions him: "Don’t go 
by our observations...You don’t know where you go…(everyone laughs). Don’t say 
what the media reports say we have said…"

Mr.Agarwal: "Even if a man is having sex with a woman, 377 may be attracted…it 
includes whatever is commonly accepted by society as going against the order of 

The Bench: "Many acts natural for us maybe unnatural for others – other 
communities, countries, religions…but it may not be against the order of 

The Bench: "On the issue of consumption of liquor, for eg, people’s opinion 
will be divided…if you have statistics from a scientific survey…you can use it 
to assist us…or else leave it…we have asked Malhotra how many HIV+ people are 
identified as gays, homosexuals, MSM…NACO has provided some statistics…."

Mr.Agarwal tries suggesting that 377 prevents the spread of AIDS, and that if 
377 goes then who knows what can go tomorrow: "If 377 is struck down…Immoral 
Traffic Prevention Act (ITPA) may also be struck down…privacy will also enter 
there…today it is 377… tomorrow it will be ITPA…the concept of morality has to 
go then…"

But the Bench, having told Mr.Jain that they don't want unsupported 
arguments on HIV, doesn't give Mr.Agarwal much room here either, and 
he's asked to finish. With just a few minutes to go, the next to be called 
is Mr.Sushil Kuman Jain, the counsel for Krantikari Manuvadi Morcha (this 
organisation is best known for putting Dara Singh, the man who is in jail in 
Orissa for allegedly burning the Australian missionary Graham Staines and his 
two small kids to death, up for election as their candidate in different 
elections, most recently in UP. 

Mr.Jain has just enough time to suggest that this case shouldn't be here at 
all: "It is for the Parliament to decide what is moral and what is immoral. 
Consent cannot be incorporated in a section when it is not provided 
there…wherever the consent is valid, the statute includes it. Some acts the 
society takes care of and penalizes it – individuals not living within the 
discipline of the society is to be punished. To check anarchy, society takes 
care of a situation." 

Time is up, and the session is called to a close, but not before the Bench 
directs the ASG to file an affidavit clarifying the Ministries position in 3 

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