The Gay Man Who Organized the 1963 March on Washington

[image: New West Unfiltered] By Nick Gier, New West Unfiltered 1-16-08


By Nick Gier. Professor Emeritus, University of Idaho ( [EMAIL PROTECTED])

As a politically active black man in 1950s and 1960s, Bayard Rustin had, in
addition to his race, three strikes against him: he was a pacifist; he was a
Communist; and he was openly homosexual.

In 1936 Rustin became a member of the Young Communist League, but he broke
with the party when it decided to deemphasize civil rights in favor of
supporting the Soviet Union in the war.

During World War II he began his long association with the Fellowship of
Reconciliation (FOR), a pacifist organization founded in 1914 by an English
Quaker and a German Lutheran. His grandmother, who raised him, was a Quaker,
but she and her grandson attended a local African Methodist Episcopal

>From 1944 to 1946 Rustin served 28 months in a federal penitentiary for
refusing to report for military service. While in prison he worked
diligently to end segregation in the prison dining hall.

Rustin was an all-inclusive civil rights worker. He traveled to California
to protect the property of Japanese Americans who had been interned during
the war. While in prison he established the FOR's Free India Committee, and
he later convinced Martin Luther King, Jr. to follow Gandhi's principle of
active nonviolence.

In 1947 Rustin led a FOR attempt to integrate the interstate bus system. In
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, he and his associates were set upon by a mob,
but it was he, rather than his attackers, who served 22 days of hard labor
for "inciting" this incident.

In 1953 he was arrested for having sex with two other men. Thanks to a
recent Supreme Court decision decriminalizing sodomy, no one can be arrested
for consensual sex of any sort in today's America. The Texas law that was
truck down was particularly discriminatory in that it did not outlaw
"unnatural" sex acts between heterosexuals.

Because of the gay sex charge, Rustin was fired from the FOR staff. Even
though under this dark cloud, King nonetheless took him on as an adviser in
1956. As a seasoned civil rights worker, his experience was crucial to the
success of the Montgomery bus boycott.

Rustin biographer John D'Emilio writes that Rustin "was the perfect mentor
for King at this stage in the young minister's career. . . and in the
ensuing months and years, Rustin left a profound mark on the evolution of
King's role as a national leader."

Rustin convinced King that he needed a permanent organization to stabilize
his movement, so together they founded the Southern Christian Leadership
Conference (SCLC). When black Congressman Adam Clayton Powell threatened to
expose him as a gay man, Rustin was forced to resign his SCLC leadership

Working behind the scenes, Rustin was the main organizer for the 1963 March
of Washington, the venue for King's "I have a Dream" speech. The other
organizers made sure that Rustin was not given any public credit for this
historic event.

Supplied with FBI wire tap information and dirt from segregationist
legislators, Senator Strom Thurmond gave a speech in the Senate in which he
called Rustin a "Communist, draft-dodger, and homosexual."

For the very first time someone came to Rustin's defense. Labor leader A.
Philip Randolph attested to Rustin's integrity, and the fact that Thurmond's
attack fizzled produced a glimmer of hope that equal rights for gays and
lesbians might be possible.

Rustin advised King not to speak out against the Vietnam war, but King did
it anyway. Friends were puzzled why this fervent pacifist did not join the
anti-war movement. His response was that he was against a precipitous
withdrawal of troops because the Communists would set up a brutal

Rustin also reminded his supporters where his duty ultimately lay: "To those
who have urged me to switch from civil rights to peace, let me say: Someday,
God help us, this war will be over, and my job is to help see to it that
when the black soldiers come home, they will have something decent to come
home to." Rustin preferred to keep his "eyes on the prize."

Rustin's last civil rights battle was for his gay brother and sisters: "The
barometer of where one is on human rights questions is no longer the black
community, it's the gay community, the community which is most easily

Nick Gier taught philosophy and religion at the University of Idaho for 31
years. Read his other civil rights columns at,
and /ColorSkin.htm.


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