To travel is to take a journey into yourself. - Danny Kaye (Self-discovery @ JOURNEY)

Quoting Rainer Maria Rilke,
 “The only journey is the one within.” Traveling is a wonderful time for 
self-discovery and reflection; a time to help us to reconnect with ourselves. 
However, some have the bad habit of bringing work along. Leave your work where 
it should be. For your overall wellbeing, take this time to allow your mind and 
body to recharge. A good vacation may not only be a great way for 
self-discovery but also to help us get back to feeling our best.


Creating a better, more compassionate world is a genuine possibility. There 
potential is there. - Dalai Lama (Kindness @ OM)

more insights and wisdom from Dalai Lama
(Click above for the bigger image)

Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.  - Marcus 
Aurelius (Be the change @ OM)

The easier way to change the world is to start with ourselves. And as Mahatma 
 said, "First they ignore you, then laugh at you, then they fight you, then you 

more quotes and sayings from Marcus Aurelius
(Click above for the bigger image)

Sometimes things have to go wrong in order to go right. - Sherrilyn Kenyon 
(Hanging on, Determination & Perseverance 
@ OM)

As the saying goes, "When things are falling apart, they could be falling in 

more quotes and sayings on Hanging on, Determination & Perseverance
(Click above for the bigger image)

Don't wait for things to get better to feel better; start to feel better now 
and things will get better. - Symphony of Love (Positive thinking @ OM)

 Feel bad doesn't in anyway help things to get any better; so why not choose to 
be positive to start feeling better?
(Click above for the bigger image)


What Country in the World Best Fits Your Personality? Have you taken this 
interesting and fun quiz to determine which country in the world best reflects 
your personality and living style? It is where you will thrive in life the 
most. Plan your next vacation there, or make the big move! I am New Zealand. I 
would love to hear what country you are! Take Me to the Quiz Now!


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