Dear Aman and Aditya,
This string of mails have gotten too personal now.
You have told your point of view so many times in different ways. Some of us have agreed with Aman's matter of fact and decent ways, some with Aditya's arrogant ways. Most of us believe that both of you are saying the same things , but in a diferent manner.
But now its time for you two to write only personal mails to each other. I am sure the group doesnt need to know your point of view on the same issue, again and again. Its sounding very foolish now.

Aditya Bondyopadhyay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Darling Aman, you are new to this list. That is why you make the comment that I choose to be boisterous in my anti Muslim/Christian comments. I have been around since the time of neanderthals. You should do some search of the archives for my comments on the Hindu bigots. My choicest venom was always reserved for them, and it shall be in the future as well. You see I was born a hindu and I never appointed any middleman of saffron flavor to do any pimping on my behalf. So if someone tries that, it gets my goat, and I go for that rascal's throat. Compared to what I have told the 'majority' in this country, what I am telling the 'minority' is velvet gloves. The RSS, BJP, Shiv-Sena, Bajrang Dal, et al can all go swim up shit creek for all that I care.
Just so happens that this bigot this time happens to be muslim, so I target him. If you read that as targeting islam or christianity, you are stupid. By using that line you are making me sound like a persecuter of particular faiths. I resent it, for I think that is undermining the real me. I am a conscious and indiscriminating persecuter of the bigots of all faiths. 'Conscious' and 'indiscriminating' are the key words there. And I shall continue to be so, your civilising influence notwhithstanding.
Spirituality is a personal thing and should be kept personal. If its manifestation has to be by the public performance of religions then that should be done only to the extent that it does not tread on the rights of any other. And by rights I do not mean religious rights, but the entire gamut of rights. So if someone publicly says that homosexuals are sinners and therefore needs to be stoned to death, then I do not give one iota of a flying fuck about his religious sentiments. I would rather that the system takes that scumbag out of circulation before he can do actual damage to me or the likes of me. You are damned right I am being intolerant. But please show me one instance where I have targeted or attacked the 'good' of any religion. When someone is beating me up, I would rather beat him back, than contemplate about the time he spent distributing laddoos to orphans on churchgate station. The good is good, it does not hurt me, but the bad does and that is what I target in the bigot. 
Coincidentally if the bigot shares the same religion as your boyfriend, and your boyfriend continues to feel hurt that I am attacking a bigot, then maybe its time your boyfriend stopped being the comfortable closet muslim, came out on this list, and told this bigot that he is a muslim, and he is proud to be so, and that he does not think he is a sinner and should be stoned to death. Maybe even tell messenger that the way he is preaching hate is not what muslims do. Till that time, I cannot help his hurt. His hurt is squarely by his choice, since he chooses silence on the face of the UN-RELIGIOUS hatemongering by people pretending to be his co-religionists.
As to being an activist, I did not ask to be labelled that. Nor do I mind if a label like that is appended to me. Its the outside world's perception of what I am and what I do. The reasons for doing it is personal, which I sometime choose to share, but mostly keep private. LGBT or otherwise, the fact remains that I have refused help to more people than I have actually helped. I have refused because I have limitations. And if I have been able to, I have helped irrespective of whether the person is LGBT or not. But in all this if one thing has remainde constant from my end, its been the fact that I have always been honest about what I felt and what I did. So even if that label was not put to my name, I would still be trashing a bigot. Otherwise, I would not be myself. I would be like your boyfriend, hurt in the closet. So don't make the mistake of confusing the label with licence. The licence exists irrespective of labels. You do not have to help even a sinle person so start ticking bigots off. If you feel it, have the courage to honestly say it, with the vehemence with which you feel it. Just be honest and screw labels.
Love, Aditya 

On 07/05/06, A B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What judgments do you reserve for an educated man like yourself who continues to be meretricious, despite various people reasoning with you to use mild language regarding this issue?
By your logic, we shouldn't give you any importance either and treat you like the Neanderthal you make yourself out to be everytime your finger strikes the keyboard. Right?
Messenger dude is a hate-monger. Fine. Agreed. But what kind of communal harmony and love are you propagating by choosing to sound the way you do in your mails?
The fact is Aditya, you both are being intolerant.
So whenever you choose to openly air your boisterous anti-Muslim/Christian attitude in this gay list-serve, remember to measure yourself with the same yardstick you use to size up the fool who calls himself messenger.
If being an activist with the LGBT community grants you the license to relentlessly and repeatedly insult religious sentiments of some people, then will this group and its moderators please tell me how many LGBT people I need to help before I can start using insensitive language for everything I disagree with?
Aditya, every organised religion has its good and bad sides. Why target the two religious minorities of this country? 
Is there no other in this group apart from Salil, Somu and myself who can stand up to this persistent bullying by a psuedo-intellectual who gets cheap thrills from being  so arrogant and insensitive everytime he throws a hissy fit?
Aman B.

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