g_b Tuesday's Tune -amoroso

2008-02-26 Thread asfan
At 85 years of age, Wally married Lou Anne, a lovely 25 year old. Since her new husband is so old, Lou Anne decides that after their wedding she and Wally should have separate bedrooms, because she is concerned that her new but aged husband may over-exert himself if they spend the entire night

g_b Tuesday's Tune (molto agitato)

2008-01-28 Thread asfan
Guts or Balls? We've all heard about people having guts or balls. But do you really know the difference between them? In an effort to keep you informed, the definition for each is listed below... GUTS - is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, being met by your wife with a

g_b Tuesday's tune

2008-01-02 Thread asfan
A prostitute went to visit a colleague in the hospital just before she was about to have a heart transplant. The woman, concerned about her friend's welfare, went up to the surgeon who was going to perform the operation and said Doctor, I'm worried about my friend. What if her body rejects the

g_b Tuesday's Tune

2006-04-03 Thread asfan
A woman goes to England to attend a 2-week, company training session. Her husband drives her to the airport and wishes her to have a good trip. The wife answers, "Thank you honey, what would you like me to bring him for you?" The husband laughs and says, "An English girl!" The woman kept quiet

g_b Tuesday's Tune

2006-03-27 Thread asfan
A woman goes to the doctor's and says, "Doctor, Doctor, you have to help me. Every time I go to the bathroom, DIMES come out!"The doctor tells her to relax, go home, rest with her feet up and come back in a week.A week later the woman returns and says, "Doctor, Doctor, it's gotten worse!Every

g_b Tuesday's tune

2005-06-06 Thread asfan
A couple goes to an agricultural show way out in the countryside on a fine Sunday afternoon, and are watching the auctioning off of reproduction bulls. The guy selling the bulls announces the first bull to be auctioned off: A fine specimen, this bull reproduced 60 times last year. The wife

g_b Tuesday's Tune

2005-05-23 Thread asfan
A blonde named Mary decides to do something really wild. Something she hasn't done before, So she goes out to rent her first X-Rated adult video. She goes to the video store, and after looking around for a while, selects a title that sounds very stimulating. She drives home, lights some

g_b Tuesday's Tune

2005-03-22 Thread asfan
A beautiful, voluptuous woman went to a gynaecologist. The doctor took one look at her, and all his professionalism went out the window. He immediately told her to undress. After she had disrobed, the doctor began to stroke her thigh. Doing so, he asked her, Do you know what I'm doing? Yes,

g_b Tuesday's Tune

2005-02-01 Thread asfan
Four workers were discussing how smart their dogs were. The first was an engineer, who said his dog could do math with calculations. His dog was named T-Square, and he told him to get some paper and draw a square, a circle, and a triangle, which the dog did with no sweat. The accountant said