Have you ever had a vacation where everything went wrong? Hear real 
life vacation horror stories from other travelers.  
My name is Matt Channing. To abuse an old phrase, "If I didn't have 
bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all." So anyway, my bad 
vacation. When I was 15 my best friend and I went to the Florida Keys 
for my our spring break with my parents. We were going to learn to 
scuba-dive and go parasailing and whatnot. When we got to our hotel, 
the name of which evades me currently, we wanted
to shower, but we had no hot water. So we decided to go to the pool, 
which was not a bad idea, except that I was on a medication called 
tetracycline (I'm not sure of the spelling) for my acne. The problem 
was, I didn't put on any sun screen because, being a Floridian, I 
normally don't burn too bad. However, my medication was, unknown to 
me, making my skin nearly four times more
sensitive to the sun. so needless to say, I looked like a lobster for 
about 2 weeks.Now, we have all had horrible sun burns I think, so I 
won't waste any more time there. That night we went to quaint 
restaurant off Caroline street in Key West. I ordered an entree of 
Chicken Marsala, which is my favorite dish. Well, the chef didn't 
quite cook my chicken all the way, so I ended up with food poisoning 
and was sick till almost four the next morning. This is only the 
second day of a nine day spring break. The next morning Greg and I
went to learn to scuba-dive. In the afternoon we went a couple miles 
off shore to actually dive. Let me say that my vision is awful, my 
prescriptions for contacts are -7.0 and -6.75. We had to do a mask-
clearing technique at about 35 feet. The technique was simple, fill 
your mask with water, lean back, and exhale hard while holding the 
top of the mask, no problem. So I filled my mask, and some wonderful 
salt water got into my eyes, stinging my eyes, and knocking out my 
contacts. So now im in deep trouble, so I panic. I swim up to the top 
of the water because I am choking due to this wonderful wet surprise. 
At about 3 feet of water there was a coral shelf, I sat on it to 
compose myself. Our instructor, Dave, came up to berate me on 
ascending "so darn fast and panicky-like" as he put it. After that 
was done, he informed me I was sitting on some fire coral, in just a 
small ½ body wetsuit. So now I am sunburned all over, and coral-
burned on my legs; great trip so far. As Greg and I are getting in my 
parent's car to go to dinner that night, my oh so
attentive father managed to back up onto my left foot. After a couple 
of hours getting x-rays we discovered that I had a small bone bruise, 
and nothing was broken. Needless to say that killed my appetite, and 
I didn't eat dinner. Day four was great, we went parasailing and I 
got about 20 great pictures from high up in the parasail. I was 
ecstatic, so happy in-fact, that I dropped my camera into the ocean, 
never to be seen again. So, on day five we just watched some movies, 
and the sixth day was just a lazy day of getting stung by about three 
jellyfish while exploring some mangroves. After day five my parents 
decided to go back to Orlando. My Vacation recap: one horrible 
sunburn, one painful coral burn, a couple jellyfish stings, food 
poisoning, and no hot water. This really was the WORST vacation ever.-
My spring break 2003 started out halfway normal. Now by halfway I 
mean that we had 2 dead cars trying to keep us trapped in Craig, a 
father going crazy trying to get a rental vehicle so that we could 
drive to Denver, and me missing three days of school (which I didn't 
mind too much). We got in the car (a 4-wheel drive SUV) and began our 
supposed journey to DIA, so we could fly to Florida for a luxurious 
vacation in a Cruise ship, and a few days at Disney World. The skies 
as we left were clear and crisp but soon turned a steely gray and 
began dumping snow. Our drive was quite uneventful up until we turned 
onto Interstate I-70, eastbound for Denver International Airport. As 
we neared the Eisenhower Tunnel we were making excellent time, and 
would have probably have been in our hotel by 6:00 free and clear, 
right? WRONG!! We were hit with what was later termed "The Hundred 
Year Storm" or "The Blizzard of the Century." As soon as we exited 
the tunnel, icy roads and gale-force winds slowed our progress. Bumps 
along the road, formed by large semi trucks with chains, created a 
washboard for cars to drive on. Most of the time, no one was able to 
go over 25 mph for fear of loosing control, and going careening off 
into a ditch. I was so glad my father had experience driving in these 
conditions. After passing Georgetown, and noticing that one side of 
the interstate was deserted, we knew there was something wrong. A 
minor avalanche had fallen on the road, stopping traffic until it 
could be cleared. We prayed that nothing as unfortunate would happen 
to our side of the interstate. That's when it hit! Trucks started 
slipping sideways on the road, sometimes taking small cars along with 
them. All traffic came to a total and complete standstill. Take it 
from me, sitting in a car for 6 hours and getting nowhere really 
isn't the greatest thing in the world to do. People began to get 
restless, and they kept jumping out of their cars, talking to the 
other drivers, walking through cracks in the seemingly endless walls 
of solid traffic, having snowball fights over the roofs of cars, even 
making the occasional snow angel in the abundant snowdrifts on the 
side of the road. I, having a diabetic mother, who occasionally has a 
problem with a weak bladder, ended up having to stand guard as she 
took advantage of us being in the outside lane of the road, and sat 
on the edge of the car, in the process getting mud all over her butt. 
As we inched up the two remaining hills into Denver, mom and dad 
gabbed with other drivers or with each other while listening 
constantly to the radio for reports of what was happening, and I 
turned on my CD player and dived into one of my favorite groups, Good 
Charlotte. Hours later, when we finally broke free of traffic and 
started heading into Denver the roadway was virtually deserted. As we 
drove towards DIA and our hotel, we discovered that the parking lots 
and roads were drifted in, and there was no possible way to get a car 
in. Our hotel had been snowed in. All the roads were blown over with 
3-foot deep snow. We decided the only way to get in was walk. We 
grabbed what we needed for the night, bundled up nice and warm, with 
towels that were destined for use on the sunny beaches of the Bahamas 
wrapped around our heads, and trekked through the freezing winds and 
snow to our hotel. When we finally did arrive, the guy at the front 
desk almost fainted from shock at our actually getting there. When we 
got in our room, we started making phone calls to my brother at home, 
and my frantic Grandmother, whom I feared would give her self a heart 
attack from worry, to assure them that we were ok. We also called the 
airlines and found out that due to the closure of the airport, and 
the 4 feet on snow burying the runways, our flight had been 
cancelled. We tried to re-book a flight for Thursday when the airport 
should re-open. Chapter 2 "Stranded": So, there I was, sitting in the 
hotel, being bored, and listening to "Without Me" by Eminem in one 
ear, and weather reports mixed with the occasional road closure 
report out of the other, and I decided that there is something wrong 
with this situation. No phones, due to all the phones line crashing 
shortly after we made all our phone calls, no way out of the hotel 
because we were extremely snowed in, no food. It is a total nightmare 
or we were in a Gilligan's Island re-run. DIA was still closed. For 
those of you who didn't hear about the closures, or live too far away 
from Colorado to care, I'll spell it out for you. More than 4000 
people had been stranded in DIA due to flight cancellations. One of 
the circus-tent like peaks of the main terminal ripped, almost 
collapsed because of the extreme amount of weight that the snow is 
putting on the structure. All the passengers were moved onto the 
concourses where they would be safe in case of collapse. Meanwhile, 
the architect who designed the terminal was contacted so that he 
could assess the damage and see if it was safe or not. At least while 
the passengers wait in the concourses there will be food available to 
them and they were able to get some sleep, because it may be another 
day until help comes. Chapter 3 "To eat, or not to eat": We woke on 
Wednesday morning to find everything have been whitewashed by ice and 
snow. Six-foot drifts were everywhere. Cars became no more than lumps 
of snow in the streets and in parking lots. Reports confirmed that is 
had not snowed so much in such a short time period since 1913. 
Because we could not get our car into the parking lot of the hotel 
the previous night, it was not totally covered with snow, Daddy 
decided to see if he could get our car out, and if so, he volunteered 
to go get some food for people in the hotel, if one of the employees 
would go with him. Any sane person would be thinking " Ok, we will go 
get some bread, lunch meat and cheese, and make sandwiches for 
everyone, right?" Wrong again. It's just not quite that simple. The 
hotel managers had a different idea. They started taking individual 
orders from each room!! There we were, stuck with about 50 different 
orders. My father, a hotel manager named Simon, and a fellow stranded 
traveler named Jenny and I loaded up into our rented Chevy Blazer and 
started off. There were some rough spots on the road to the King 
Soopers that was our destination, so we got bumped around a lot. When 
we arrived at the store, it was a mad house!! The store, the only one 
open in miles, was packed full of frantic shoppers trying to get food 
in case they got snowed in again, or in case the stores had to be 
closed because the war with Iraq was imminent. We went inside, 
grabbed a cart, divided the lists of things we needed, and took off, 
racing through the isles, checking off out lists, trying to get what 
we needed at the lowest prices for the hotel guests. Some items were 
either in horribly short supply, or completely sold out. We waited in 
line for about 40 minutes just to get up to the check out stand, and 
another 45 minutes to an hour getting things checked out, because we 
had to do each order separately so that we could get everyone a 
receipt and their correct change back. Because many people's lists 
called for deli chicken dinners, I ordered 6 six-piece chicken 
dinners, and had to wait almost an hour for all of them to get fully 
cooked. Luckily, during my wait, I was able to purchase pre-made 
jello cubes from the deli for some personal snacking. When we finally 
arrived back at the hotel, more than 3 hours after we left that 
morning, we had to distribute the food to its owners and make sure 
they got to correct change. That took some time, but at least we were 
rewarded for our efforts. The guests took up a collection, and all 
four "Super Shoppers" received a $10 thank you tip. Chapter 4 "Now 
boarding flight 000 to Nowhere, USA": Thursday morning we woke to 
find that the weather had cleared out, and they were going to open 
the airport, with the first flights leaving after 10 am. We packed 
up, and decided that since the phone lines in the hotel were still 
down, we would just head out to airport, and hope for a miracle. When 
we arrived at the airport, what we saw was total chaos, a complete 
zoo of people trying to get their tickets checked, their luggage 
through the ports, and themselves past the security checkpoint. The 
lines for some of the different airlines were literally half a mile 
long, snaking along to allow for other lines to intersect. I was 
stationed in one of the endless lines while my parents took advantage 
of the payphones to try and get our travel arrangements straightened 
out, and make sure out flight for that morning was still ok. After 
waiting in line for that seemed like an eternity, Daddy pulled me out 
of the line, and gave me some bad news. The flight we had re-booked 
for 11:20 had been screwed up due to a computer error at the main 
place, wherever it is, and instead of all three of us going to 
Detroit and catching a connecting flight to Orlando, only one of us 
was booked at all, and only as far as Detroit, with no connecting 
flight to Orlando. This news was the final kicker. We gave up our 
dream and accepted that we just we not meant to go to Florida for one 
reason or another, and for a while, it seemed that we were not 
supposed to go home either. I-70 from Denver to Silverthorne was 
still closed due to avalanches and might remain that way for a few 
more days. Our alternate route through Laramie and across Wyoming on 
I-80, getting off at Crescent Junction was also closed, blocking our 
other route of escape. So we stayed in another a hotel somewhere in 
the suburbs of Denver. At least this hotel had a pool and hot tub, 
which helped all of us relax for a little while. We also did a little 
shopping at a K-mart right next to the hotel, which was going out of 
business. I ended up getting a couple cool things including a mini 
black light and some PJ pants with Spongebob on them. Early Friday 
morning, the first news of the day said that I-70 west was open under 
fair skies, and we were free to head back to Craig. I personally 
would have liked to stay over in Denver for a few days, but the 
parents though it was best to go back before we got dumped on again. 
Another storm was brewing, due to come in the next week at the very 
time we would have returned to Denver At least I convinced them to 
let me go visit the Museum of Science and Natural History in Denver 
before we left. That place is so awesome. So ended my spring break. 
It wasn't as great as we had hoped, because instead of basking in the 
sun in Florida, we got stuck in an endless winter in Colorado. We 
thought about going again near Thanksgiving, but my parents ended up 
opting to go in January without taking me, but I had to finish high 
school. - Alayna J  
My bad vacation happened last summer in north carolina, to start with 
I was waiting in the wrong line for my flight so I missed my flight 
and had to wait at the airport for 2 hours for the next flight to 
north carolina. Then when I got to north carolina I landed in the 
wrong airport and so my brother who was supposed to be picking me up 
was about and hour in the wrong direction so I ended up catching a 
cab to his house which cost me $60. So finally I was there and I am 
unpacking my things when I realize one of my bags isnt with me, I 
call down to my brother and asked if he had seen it he said no, once 
again things were going wrong, my bag must have been at the airport 
so I call the airport and ask if they have seen anything but they say 
that there have not been any reported but if it turns up they will 
call me.. Later on that night my brother and I are out fishing and of 
course I slip into the water getting the only pair of shoes I have 
wet and my brother isnt a big fashion guy so the only other pair of 
shoes he has is these corny looking cowboy boots.. Let me tell you it 
isnt easy to pick up girls with a pair of white kaki shorts on and a 
striped 3 button shirt with some brown cowboy boots ohh yea real 
attractive.. So finally I get to get some rest and it feels so great 
until sunrise at about 6:30 because it turns out that the neighbor 
has a bunch of roosters for cock fights which they apparently like to 
go off like a million screaming kids as soon as that light comes up 
over the horizon, well I was up and I have had about 6 hours of sleep 
I never thought things would get better but they did, I had 2 days 
left of vacation and I was going to enjoy them even if it was with 
those boots on. So the next 2 days pass and still no word on where my 
bag is but its time to get heading home Well a few hours later I end 
up back at my apartment and I couldnt be happier, besides my one bag 
I left I had made it back home with everything I went there with, and 
what do you know the next morning my brother calls and said that the 
airport just dropped a bag off that fit the description of the one I 
lost. Man what a vacation, that encouraged me to never travel more 
than 75 miles from my house.- Josh  
Two summers ago my family took a vacation to the Ozark Mountains, and 
I took a friend along. We didn't really plan ahead, so after the 7 
hour drive to Missouri, we had to drive alllll around Osage Beach 
looking for a hotel. The first night we had to stay in a really 
crappy/creepy motel, until we found a good one the next night. I 
don't really tan that easily, so I didn't use any suncreen at all the 
whole time we were up in the mountains. Big mistake. I ended up 
getting soooooo burned. I was as red as a lobster and people stared 
at me everywhere I went, and they kept saying things like, "Oh my 
god! You are SO burned!" It was pretty embarassing. Then my face 
ended up being really swollen underneath my eyes and I had blisters 
on my nose that kept popping. Even my lips were so burned, they were 
swollen to about the size of...well, I don't know what. Finally, my 
whole entire face peeled. Then during the whole drive back, my little 
3 year old sister thought it would be fun to keep hitting me on my 
sunburned arm. And to top it all off, we went through the worst storm 
ever on the way home. The people on the radio were telling drivers to 
pull over and find a ditch or something, but my dad kept driving. It 
was pretty scary. - Anonymous 
Oh Gosh... well we go camping every year..right so this year I 
decided to bring my friend... and my sis brought a friend too... and 
my bro brought a friend too... well my bro is 18 and his friend is 
like 16 or 17 or something..well my bro decided to start picking on 
my friend and she stormed out of the camper..and I was talking to 
someone so I got in trouble for not running after her... well when I 
finally caught up to her she was really mad because I didn't give her 
any attention.. I mean come on.. so then we started fighting and 
stuff.. and we basically avoided each other..then finally we made 
up...well not for long at least.. because my sis's friend(she's also 
my friend) hit her in the stomach because my friend took her hat 
off.. so I stayed with my sis's/my friend and one night I was hanging 
with sis's/my friend with this guy and his bro.. jacked up jake..well 
jacked up jake got his name because he was riding his bike down a 
huge hill and fell and got all bruised and cut....(their dad is 
friends with mine) well any ways my friend, my sis, my bros friend 
and this girl all decided to go to the park at like 11 30 at night 
and they heard some people coming and thought it was me and my 
sis's/my friend but it was really a guy and a girl but they didn't 
know that so.. my friends all went and started hiding.. well the guy 
and the girl looked around with a flashlight but didn't see my 
friends so they decided. to DO IT IN THE PARK! eww! in a kids park! 
then when they were done doing u know what the girl went on top of 
the playground thing and saw my friends!!!! and they ran out of the 
park so fast! well after that night we never went back to that park.. 
well the next day me and my friend were still fighting so we had been 
fighting the whole trip so far...well we go canoeing and kayaking 
well... the water was really high... well my cousin wanted to use a 
kayak so I let her use mine for a while and I went in a canoe with my 
dad well by this time all the adults had had just a tiny bit to much 
to drink... and me and my dad hit a tree that was in the water and 
our canoe flipped!!! it was so horrible! the water was deep and 
cold... well we finally got back in the canoe and my friend(we 
finally stopped fighting) was on a tube floating down the river.. 
well it was time to get out and get on the bus to go back to camp and 
she was on the other side of the river!!!! so she jumped out of the 
tube but that was a bad idea because the water was so deep rite there 
and she couldn't grab the tube so brandon (he's like 29) jumped in 
and got her and the tube and swam both of them back to the part where 
we get off.. then when we got back I went a took a shower well lucky 
me that's what everyone decided to do... so I had to wait until 
someone was done... well that night the kids went to one site and the 
adults went to the other.. well my dad had way to much to drink and 
passed out by the fire well the adults decided to have some fun with 
him... the put underwear on his head and a bra over his shirt.. then 
my sis went and painted his nails and his toenails bright pink and we 
all got in trouble it was funny but it was a really bad trip because 
now my family has to get revenge on the other families!.. well that 
was basically it.. oh yeah well my friend and I settled everything 
but my parents say she is never allowed to come camping with us 
again..... so that sucks.. that was like my all time worst vacation! -
I was visiting Florida for spring break with my family, we decided to 
drive down to Key Largo ( a 7 hr. drive from where we were staying) 
so while we were down there we decided to go snorkeling where I got 
stung by a jellyfish. At the end of the night we walked back to the 
car that we borrowed from a friend, and of course... the car won't 
start, it was an old car and it had an old security lock, we waited 3 
hours for a tow truck and it took him 3 hours to figure out what was 
wrong with the car, so we got the tow truck to drive us back for 700 
bucks in which there was only 2 seat ( one for the driver and one 
passenger) there were for of us so my brother and sat on a bench 
which was right above the engine and was about 200 degrees - 
During my vacation last year, we went to Myrtle Beach, South 
Carolina. My bathing suit was a little big on me, and i wore it the 
whole time i was there. The problem was whenever i went into the 
ocean, I sat in the sand and laid in the water and sand got in my 
bikini top and it weighed it down so i went in the deep part and a 
current washed my bikini top away but luckily it didn't wash it away 
to far away cause my whole family were there. Not very many saw it 
though.- Chandra 
The worst vacation was to a cottage me and my family rented. It was 
terrible! First when we arrived it was pouring rain and our cabin was 
locked so we waited in the pouring rain(our truck was in the parking 
lot). Finally we got in to see a huge ant nest in the corner of the 
room, when one came out my dad smacked as hard as he could but it 
just kept walking! They were the size of a coacroch! It was sick! 
When we were getting ready for bed a ANT CRAWLED OUT OF THE SINK! 
Then when i went to bed i woke up with 3 spiders next to me! Then 
when i went to have a shower there were those huge ants all over the 
tile and a spider web with a spider in it in the corner of the 
shower. Later on at the beach i was digging a hole in the sand with 
my brother when i dug up a yellow stinky sock!!!! And when our 
neighbor asked me to go tubing for my first time i accepted. When i 
went he did 6 donuts in a row to see on the 4 one i was in the water 
with a bloody nose! On the way back out of the boat i slipped and 
went right into the gross boat water! ewwwwww..... Then finally i got 
out to see my brand new bathing suit BROWN! ewwwwww......That night i 
went out to go swimming, when i was in the water this little kid 
thought i was his brother and picked up a handful of gooy muck and 
through it at me And guess what it landed right in my face. when i 
got it all out i realized my bathing suit top had a hole in both 
armpits! Gosh! Then then the next day we were leaving and while 
saying bi i ran into the side of my truck! Thank god im never going 
back! - Julia 
One summer, my family and I went to the Adirondacks. It seemed like 
it was going to be a fun trip. We were going for a whole week and 
planed a hike, canoe ride, and fishing on the lake. I got up one 
night and had to go to the bathroom that was located about 30 yards 
from our site. I had to go bad enough that I ventured out and made my 
way to the girls room when I smelled an awful odor. I had come across 
a skunk and did not even notice it! Obviously he noticed me, and my 
family noticed that I met a skunk when I got back. I smelled for over 
a week! - Bethany, NY 
I originally live in Florida and had gone on a vacation to visit 
family in Iowa. While I was visiting, my cousin asked if I would like 
to spend a night at her apartment. My cousin is not the cleanest 
person in the world, but still, I agreed and said yes. At the time, 
there was another couple living in the house with her, her baby, and 
her baby's daddy. My cousin wanted me to have a good nights rest and 
told me to sleep in the guest room. I had asked her if the other 
couple was actually staying in that room and she said yes. I felt 
kind of bad, but didnt bother saying anything. I work up the next 
morning to find myself covered in cat hair. It was discusting. To 
make matters worse, I asked my cousin if the bedsheets had been 
cleaned before I came over. She went on to tell me that the couple 
had sex in the room the night before. I felt discusted. To make 
matters worse, I had been constipated for about 3 days and I had 
finally been able to go to the bathroom, at my cousins apartment. 
When I went to flush the toilet i realized that it was clogged. I was 
sooo imbarrased. I waited a couple of more minutes and tried flushing 
the toilet for a second time. Nothing would go down. I had to wake up 
my cousin from her nap, ask her what I should do. She woke up her 
boyfriend and told him to go clean it. I sat on the couch while he 
decided what to do. He walked out of the kitchen with a baby bottle 
scrubber and said "I hope this works." At that point I forget it, I 
would just ask gramma tonight to get us a plunger. My gramma and I 
went to the dollar store that day and she bought a plunger. "Please 
dont give it to them tonight when we eat dinner," I said. She didnt 
see why she couldn't. So after dinner my grandma says, " Oh cassie, 
dont forget to take the plunger home with you guys when you leave." I 
felt soo stupid, seeing that I clogged her toilet, but I will never 
ask how they ended up unclogging the toilet. - Kate  
My worst vacation was when we took a family trip and my boyfriend 
came along with us. We were madly in love. When we arrived at the 
hotel, We put our luggage in the room. On the way driving to the 
hotel, I made a wish to myself, and that was: I wish it takes a long 
time going back home because I want to spend all the time I can 
before the weekend was over. Well, after that wish, I was for sure 
that it would happen. So at the hotel, In the pool, My man is 
flirting with 2 white girls in bikinis. I WAS VERY HEATED!!!! My dad 
told him to have fun. So basically, NO ONE CARED BUT ME!!!!! I the 
whole time we were down there, I could not eat at all. I was so 
paranoid. I could not eat at all. All I could do was be angry. Then 
on top of that, when they were in the pool, I went to look through 
his cellphone. I saw the numbers of girls and everything. So, I tried 
not to shed a tear. But anyway, when we were going back home, it took 
forever because of the traffic. At first I was happy! My wish was 
coming true. Then I wanted to have a talk with my baby. Although we 
were ignoring each other at the trip. He told me that he was going to 
go to sleep. So I said "OKAY" a few minutes later, his cell phone 
rang!!! He was talking to another girl. When we made a stop at the 
gas station, He got out to go to the store, I gave him the condoms 
back. He seemed not to care. He was on the damn cell phone. After we 
came back to DC, we dropped him off. He asked for a hug from me, I 
gave him a hug but I didn't hug him like I really wanted to. He asked 
me was I ok. I said "YES" I lied about that one. So like two weeks 
later, My cousin through a party, and he was there. That day, He and 
I talked out everything. And we started back doing this right.. The 
lesson I learned was to be careful of what you wish for. - KIKI  
So I went recently to California and Mexico, where I was born, for a 
family vacation. Well it turned out that we ended up in California 
just when they were having there never ending rain storm, where there 
were floods and mudslides and people dying. So not only were most 
things closed, but you couldn't see anything, driving down the road 
was like driving a hybrid boat car. I never even knew there were 
hills in the distance till the day we left when it cleared up a bit. 
The only saving grace was the rental car we had, had that "never get 
lost" thing. So we leave California early cause it was just not worth 
it and we move down to Mexico. The weather was better not rain, but 
cool. We went to a few markets, which got really boring after awhile 
and then we were off to get tickets to the Ballet Folklorico, the 
only reason we were staying through a Sunday in the first place. Well 
we get to the theater and its closed so we go to the info building 
and they say they are closed for renovations for 3 months and the 
Ballet is not at the university like it always said it would be if 
they closed. The worst part was there were no signs and the local 
English paper, which was that particular days paper didn't say 
anything about it being closed, in fact it said there were open and 
to go see the show. Well we left Mexico early as well. It just wasn't 
a good trip. - Anonymous 

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