Regarding the subject of sexual abuse in childhood and the development of 
homosexual behavior later on there does not seem to be much, or any, evidence 
in the literature.
  What Freud discovered in practically all the homosexuals he analysed was the 
presence of a very strong Oedipus complex.  This was corroborated by other 
analysts too.  While it may be fashionable today to deride his theories, there 
is no doubt that most psycoanalysts today assert that there is a very strong 
evidence of some arrested psychological development in very early life.
  Of course, the newer theories of there being a "gay' gene, the hippocampus of 
gays being larger than that of straights are there too.  But, again these 
require furthur corroboboration.
  But, there is hardly any evidence to corelate sexual abuse with homosexuality.

Ajitkumer Roy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Dear All,
Let me forward my explanation. First of all, a lot
gays have a childhood sexual use or abuse experience.
This is a fact. This may be a mere co-incidental
correlation. But there may be a causal relationship.
Why I suggest that there may be a causal relationship?
Because all children do not allow themselves to be
used as a sexual partner. Some children allow older
boys, even man, to engage them sexually. In my
assessment this category of boys later become
homosexual affinity.
So, we can put the facts in an order as follows:
First of all, there is a certain class of young boys
(may be also girls) who are vulnerable to sexual
Secondly, some of these boys really are approached and
grow up with childhood sexual experience.
Thirdly, these boy, when they grow up, show homosexual

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