Just because we're in a stressful situation doesn't mean that we have to
get stressed out. You may be in the storm. The key is, don't let the
storm get in you. - Joel Osteen (OM | Rekindling the Light Within
<http://om.symphonyoflove.net/gallery/inner-peace> )

(Click above for the bigger image)

You demonstrate love by giving it unconditionally to yourself. And, as
you do, you attract others into your life who are able to love you
without conditions. - Paul Ferrini (more Paul Ferrini love quotes and
sayings <http://lovequotes.symphonyoflove.net/category/p/paul-ferrini> )

(Click above for the bigger image)

What we focus on in our minds we will experience in our lives. -
Marianne Williamson (OM | Rekindling the Light Within
<http://om.symphonyoflove.net/gallery/positive-thinking> )

Empower yourself with empowering thoughts!

(Click above for the bigger image)

There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the
fear of failure. - Paulo Coelho (OM | Rekindling the Light Within
<http://om.symphonyoflove.net/gallery/courage> )

What would you do if you know that you would not fail?

(Click above for the bigger image)

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he
grows up. - Pablo Picasso (OM | Rekindling the Light Within
<http://om.symphonyoflove.net/gallery/dreams> )

(Click above for the bigger image)

A life is never useless. Each soul that came down to Earth is here for a
reason. - Paulo Coelho (more Paulo Coelho love quotes and sayings
<http://lovequotes.symphonyoflove.net/category/p/paulo-coelho> )

(Click above for the bigger image)

Our task must be to free ourselves … by widening our circle of
compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and
its beauty. - Albert Einstein (OM | Rekindling the Light Within
<http://om.symphonyoflove.net/gallery/kindness> )

(Click above for the bigger image)

Not he who has much is rich, but he who gives much. - Erich Fromm (OM |
Rekindling the Light Within
<http://om.symphonyoflove.net/gallery/giving> )

(Click above for the bigger image)

Life is not a solo act; it's an ensemble piece. You're in this
with other actors, whose lines are just as important as yours. -
Marianne Williamson (more Marianne Williamson  love quotes and sayings
<http://lovequotes.symphonyoflove.net/category/m/marianne-williamson> )

(Click above for the bigger image)

At some point in life the world's beauty becomes enough. You don't need
to photograph, paint, or even remember it. It is enough. - Toni Morrison
(OM | Rekindling the Light Within
<http://om.symphonyoflove.net/gallery/enjoying-the-journey> )

(Click above for the bigger image)

Do every act of your life as though it were the very last act of your
life. - Marcus Aurelius (OM | Rekindling the Light Within
<http://om.symphonyoflove.net/#living-life-to-the-fullest> )

Like the fireworks, give it your all and the most spectacular brilliant

(Click above for the bigger image)

As you walk and eat and travel, be where you are. Otherwise you will
miss most of your life. - Buddha (OM | Rekindling the Light Within
<http://om.symphonyoflove.net/gallery/in-the-moment> )

(Click above for the bigger image)

An aware parent loves all children he or she meets and interacts with -
for you are a caretaker for those moments in time. - Doc Childre (OM |
Rekindling the Light Within
<http://om.symphonyoflove.net/gallery/children> )

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