Someone who wasn't able to attend the last GB Film Club Screening asked me how 
it went off so I'm happy to be able to post this glowing review from someone 
who was there (thanks to Dee for posting it to me from FB). So for those of you 
who want to come for a film screening, but aren't too sure what its like, I 
hope this persuades you! 

Please note that I would really be grateful for feedback about the films since 
that helps us decide which films to get for future screenings. We get original 
copies of commercially available films from abroad, which we either buy or 
which are donated to us by friends. But this means we have to keep sending 
people lists of which films to get, when we haven't seen the films first 
ourselves, so it really is a pain if a film is a dud or people just don't like 

Of course, this doesn't mean we're only going to show crowd pleasing films, or 
we'd only have films like the final comedies that we always show (though here 
too - this time at least one person felt that Eating Out 5 was so overtly 
sexual it was almost embarassing to watch. Did others also feel this?) We aim 
to show a mix of a drama, something that's thought provoking like a documentary 
or the package of short films we showed this time, something Indian (Pradipta's 
beautifully evocative Raat Bakhi this time) and a comedy, and by and large we 
find most people are OK with this mix. 

But as I said, it really helps to have feedback about the films we show or tips 
about new releases that people have seen abroad which might be worth getting. 
So please send this to us, either on these lists or directly to me at 
vgd^& If anyone is coming from abroad, or has friends who are 
coming in the next few months who might be willing to get us films, please let 
me know and I'll send a list of the ones we are looking for,



Vinit Béléy posted in Gay Bombay Vinit Béléy 23 July 00:41 Today's GB 
Film Fest was the best GB Film fest I've experienced. It was so supah 
amazing!! I'm really proud of the team behind it!! ♥ to all!! The things that I 
liked the most was the perfect blend of different issues and 
flavours of the LGBTS that the movies brought up. It talked of the 
severe issues, and then talked about fun, at one place its about 
innocence and at the other place it dealt with maturity. The choice of 
films was not only good, it was smart and well calculated. My personal 
favourite was the set of short films that were showcased (me having a 
huge liking for short films, this was surely a piece of cake - the 
chocolate one with extra cherries). I'd also say that the films this 
time were bolder and had a stronger and more interesting content 
(keeping aside the "hot"ness of Eating Out 5 and Love 100degrees), it 
addressed things with a different perspective. So I guess Asian-Pacific 
Cinema needs to come on my lists from now on. I laughed like never 
before, in so many days, which I seriously needed since a while. Friends made 
it more awesome! ♥ Okay lemme not lose control! :P All in all, the film fest 
was planned well, executed well and had its impact just the 
way it ought to. I was touched and so was everybody else. Love GB Film 
Fests More Than Ever!! I seriously hope that the organising team reads 
this post. ♥

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