In a recent upgrade, we noticed that -I- functionality is being
replaced with -iquote.  This -iquote does not have the same
functionality as -I- and is removing a strong function that is needed.

-I- provides the ability to have include files (.h) reference files in
the same directory and yet use the Makefile path structure to actually
find the .h file.  This means that when doing a Master/Dev area
development structure that a programmer can take the secondary include
file into the Dev area and not have to worry about the initial header
file not finding the file.

Example: Consider a large Include file directory that has the following files:

toplevel.h has a include "secondary.h" line in it to make toplevel
always compile.

Programmer X then needs to make changes to secondary.h.  Copies the
file to his/her development area and then changes the file.  The
Makefiles properly search the Development area Include directories
before it searches the Master area Include directories.  Without -I-
toplevel.h will always find the secondary.h file in MASTER even though
the Makefile explicitly told the compiler to search for the
secondary.h in the Development area.

The new functionality of -iquote does not provide the same
functionality or ease of use.

Please consider either expanding -iquote to include the search include
system of -I- or keep -I- around.

Chris Litchfield

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