Hello good day !

I know, that gcc 4.7 is now out ... !

gcc 4.6.2 has somewhat "strange" failure-announcements ... I think it is a bug !

When I try to compile the code of BIOS=RESET.c (attached to this email)
there are "failures" reported by 4.6.2

Those "failures" were not reported in Version 4.5 resp. in Version 4.4 of gcc

Means that 4.5 and 4.4 ( in Debian Squeeze ) run better than 4.6.2 ( in Debian Wheezy ).

check out my code ... if you want to run it as binary, ... BIOS=RESET has only effect, when you
run it as binary under Knoppix.
The code makes run e.g. gnome is working better than before.
After all addresses of RAM are setted to TRUE under knoppix.
(your notebook with Linux then is running better than before).

read README - file entirely first !


"Es gibt merkwuerdige Menschen, die etwas merkwuerdiges tun, aber
am Ende stellte ich fest, dass es gar nicht so merkwuerdig war."
(John Lennon)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>

/* #include <tgmath.h> */
/* #include <setjmp.h> */
/* #include <fenv.h> */
/* #include <complex.h> */
/* #include <inttypes.h> */
/* #include <assert.h> */
/* #include <ctype.h> */
/* #include <errno.h> */
/* #include <float.h> */
/* #include <limits.h> */
/* #include <locale.h> */
/* #include <stdarg.h> */
/* #include <stddef.h> */
/* #include <string.h> */
/* #include <time.h> */
/* #include <iso646.h> */
/* #include <stdint.h> */
/* #include <wchar.h> */
/* #include <wctype.h> */

int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {

    unsigned int bios;
    unsigned int BIOS;
    unsigned int Bios;
    unsigned int reset;

    long unsigned int mx;
   long unsigned int *px,**ppx;

printf("\n ... Attributes :        Adresses:        hex-Code:       pointers:              hex-Code:       pointers to pointers:   hex-Code: \n");

for ( mx = true; mx <= 4194304; mx++ )
		  px = &mx;
		  ppx = & px;

		  printf("\n ... Addresses are here ... \t %lu \%16lX \t %lu \t %16lX \t %lu \t %16lX ", mx, mx, (unsigned long)&px[mx], (unsigned long)&px[mx], (unsigned long)&ppx[mx], (unsigned long)&ppx[mx] );

	    	  printf("\n  ... now them resetted ... \t %lu \%16lX \t %lu \t %16lX \t %lu \t %16lX ", mx, mx, (unsigned long)&px[mx], (unsigned long)&px[mx], (unsigned long)&ppx[mx], (unsigned long)&ppx[mx] );

            printf("\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t ... dunno !!! \n\n\n\n\n\n");

    return (0);


Hello dear penguins,

on Saturday 18th February 2012 I reviewed this README-file:

below you find the "old" README and the "old" intention of this code 

Now the project-name is "hummingbird", and new idea of this code is to make
a damn-small-kernel out of it. It would be platform-independant, and cumbersome
drivers for each hardware-piece would
be soon not necessary any more.

The main idea is to set each address in a chip/chip-set with boolean value 
The program needs to run only 1 single time. It makes a flash.

The advantage is: programs are running with less bugs.
The disadvantage is: any feature of your machine is switched on at same time.
It would mean you are e.g. on-air with your machine everywhere.

(further idea pops up: when it is soon known, in which address-space of UEFI
the new boot-loader is written, we could overwrite this boot-loader with grub.) 

Below you find the explanation of the code BIOS=RESET.c and if the 
would be written similiar like this code, it would be smaller than 25 kilobytes.



Hello dear penguins,
welcome to project "hummingbird" written in C

this code is, when I am not wrong, revolutionary. It is a new program, to 
bugs in some programs and configuration-errors in conf-files
This program is ironing the "wrinkles" of Linux away.

Before I make a debian-package of it, I want you to test this code.

I had only the problem with a too dark screen on my notebook (intel core 2
duo with 2 BIOS-chips and 4 Gibi DDR-RAM).
The dark screen is still an unresolved problem under Debian Squeeze 6.0.4
After running this attached code, screen is pretty bright.
The problem with cd-rom-drive is solved too by this attached code.
Mounting and unmounting cd-rom-drive was a problem too with program brasero.
brasero did not recognize empty CD/DVD-discs. Now it is solved.

It would substitute many bugfixes and cumbersome configurations
up to today under Linux too, if I am not wrong.
It is solving else problems, which pop up, when address-lines in chips like
BIOS and in RAM are not activated with boolean value TRUE.

Compile under installed Debian with gcc the attached listing into output file 
with name: BIOS=RESET

You then need only knoppix 6.7.1 or else live-System.
This binary works only on a live-System like knoppix.
In knoppix open a terminal in full-screen-modus.
Then execute the binary as root: ./BIOS=RESET

It takes between 23 and 25 minutes on an intel core 2 duo with 2 BIOS-chips.
One BIOS-chip would mean 2097152 possible addresses (to be set as TRUE).
This is why I set the value of variable mx to 4194304 addresses. This is
for RAM-size of 4 Gibi.
The variable mx should stay as mx, because each address in the BIOS-chip
has the prefix mx, followed by an increasing number starting at zero.

On the whole, this program is setting each address as TRUE, and in the
end it makes a reset, of all TRUE-values. The whole RAM-Memory is filled
up with boolean value TRUE. It can get pretty warm.

When in the end the message "dunno !" appears, the binary has done its job.
IMPORTANT !!! You should run this binary only 1 time ! 
You only need to wait a bit and watch the little green monitor of your 
in the right corner below of knoppix 6.7.1
It might happen that knoppix "stutter" a bit or hang a bit.
You can see then, if a flash is happening, in the right corner below.
After the flash you can re-boot your machine, ( if necessary pull out and put in
your accumulator of your notebook ). and start your hard-disk installation as 
You will notice by the time, that your Linux is now more stable, and less
problems are happening.

In Debian Squeeze 6.0.4 program brasero had trouble to recognize discs
in the combo-drive. This is now solved. And display is brighter than usual.
The resolution of the screen is sharper.

This code in C is a bit quicker when compiled in assembler.

I would be happy, when you mail me, if this is koscher.

My Linux is now more stable with this binary. I ran this binary only one time.

Of course it is free source-code under GPL 2.0 and GPL 1.0

Happy Hacking. Please do not phone me up. I am deaf.

Below you find the code in C of BIOS=RESET.c


The code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>

/* #include <tgmath.h> */
/* #include <setjmp.h> */
/* #include <fenv.h> */
/* #include <complex.h> */
/* #include <inttypes.h> */
/* #include <assert.h> */
/* #include <ctype.h> */
/* #include <errno.h> */
/* #include <float.h> */
/* #include <limits.h> */
/* #include <locale.h> */
/* #include <stdarg.h> */
/* #include <stddef.h> */
/* #include <string.h> */
/* #include <time.h> */
/* #include <iso646.h> */
/* #include <stdint.h> */
/* #include <wchar.h> */
/* #include <wctype.h> */

int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {

    unsigned int bios;
    unsigned int BIOS;
    unsigned int Bios;
    unsigned int reset;

    long unsigned int mx;
   long unsigned int *px,**ppx;

printf("\n ... Attributes :        Adresses:        hex-Code:       pointers:   
           hex-Code:       pointers to pointers:   hex-Code: \n");

for ( mx = true; mx <= 4194304; mx++ )
                  px = &mx;
                  ppx = & px;

                  printf("\n ... Addresses are here ... \t %lu \%16lX \t %lu \t 
%16lX \t %lu \t %16lX ", mx, mx, (unsigned long)&px[mx], (unsigned 
long)&px[mx], (unsigned long)&ppx[mx], (unsigned long)&ppx[mx] );

                  printf("\n  ... now them resetted ... \t %lu \%16lX \t %lu \t 
%16lX \t %lu \t %16lX ", mx, mx, (unsigned long)&px[mx], (unsigned 
long)&px[mx], (unsigned long)&ppx[mx], (unsigned long)&ppx[mx] );

            printf("\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t ... dunno !!! \n\n\n\n\n\n");

    return (0);



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