Hello all.

I am porting a application from Windows into Linux. The application
has many modules that wrote by different persons. There are some files
or classes named the same name with different implement. Such as the
library A has the class CSky, the libary B has the class CSky too. But
these classes have the different implement. There is no any errors
when I complie the library A and library B into share libraries. But
when I use these libraries. I alway find that the gcc link the error
class(I use the gdb to debug it), such as when I use the class CSky in
the module B, I suppose that this class should use this module
internal implement( this is to say use CSky implement in the library
B). But it is surprised to me that CSky uses the library A implement.
I wonder to know whether it is a bug to gcc or a feature that all
modules must use the different class name or use the namesapce to
distinguish these same class name. Thanks for any kind help to clarify
my quesion.




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