Hi! My name is Carlos Barbosa, and I would like to participate in this
year's GSoC with GCC.
I'm a brazilian undergraduate student and I've been passionate about free
software ever since I first heard of it. I'm most interested in OS level
programming, language development, optimization and, of course, compiler
I'm actually only starting to contribute to free software code now, but I
have been active in other ways at local FOSS communities for a couple of
years now.

About the GSoC proposal, the LTO now re-processes everything from scratch,
for any changes in the code, no matter how small. So, the project idea is
to make it work incrementally, avoiding unnecessary re-processing.
In order to do so, I thought about focusing the most at WPA, first
verifying and mapping still valid parts of the old ELF code, then building
the new optimization_summary with them and with new code. Then, if LTRANS
can't determine which files have been modified, this "diff" might be passed
in the IPA to it, so only the modified files get re-optimized. During
LTRANS, would using an analogous approach, trying to make local
optimizations incremental too, be interesting?
Do you have any suggestions about how to improve this approach idea?

I apologize already if I misunderstood something in the docs and/or didn't
make sense at some point.


Carlos Barbosa

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