
I posted a while ago about a project between Embecosm and the University of 
Bristol. In this project we explored the effect that a wide range of 
optimisations had on the execution time and energy consumption of a variety of 
benchmarks. The project has been written up, and results and conclusions due to 
be published soon (preprint paper available on arXiv 

A few of the conclusions (see the paper for more detail):
 - Execution time and energy consumption are correlated
 - The amount of correlation differs depending on the complexity of the pipeline
 - The structure of the benchmark has a large impact on which optimisations 
have an effect.
 - The architecture of the processor has some impact on effective optimisations.

I plan to present this work at GCC cauldron. Also Embecosm will be talking 
about future research that follows on from this.



"Identifying Compiler Options to Minimise Energy Consumption for Embedded 


This paper presents an innovative technique to explore the effect on energy 
consumption of an extensive number of the optimisations a compiler can perform. 
We evaluate a set of ten carefully selected benchmarks for five different 
embedded platforms.

A fractional factorial design is used to systematically explore the large 
optimisation space (2^82 possible combinations), whilst still accurately 
determining the effects of optimisations and optimisation combinations. 
Hardware power measurements on each platform are taken to ensure all 
architectural effects on the energy consumption are captured.

In the majority of cases, execution time and energy consumption are highly 
correlated. However, predicting the effect a particular optimisation may have 
is non-trivial due to its interactions with other optimisations. This validates 
long standing community beliefs, but for the first time provides concrete 
evidence of the effect and its magnitude.

A further conclusion of this study is the structure of the benchmark has a 
larger effect than the hardware architecture on whether the optimisation will 
be effective, and that no single optimisation is universally beneficial for 
execution time or energy consumption.

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