... due to drinking to much programming fluid (i.e., beer - and it wasn't even free).

I've ordered a new laptop - an AMD Athlon 64 based one; supplemented by AMD64 Sarge (yes, I know, Real Men Prefer Big-Endian, but then, Real Men Don't Cry, either).

However, delivery might take a few weeks, so I'll be incommunicado during that time, except for the use of this 19th century technology known as the "far-speaker" or "tele-phone":

        +31 346 214290

In case of emergency, this e-mail address may be used, but do realize that I have a Real Job to perform.

Thanks for your patience,

Toon Moene, KNMI, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 30 2206443; e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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