after setting up the latest snapshot, i was caught off guard as all my
numbers were off (and usually it's better than a swiss clock).
So, i've double checked, stripped some cruft from compiler command
line and pitted various snapshots (20050410, 20050424, 20050501) vs
20050508 in my app.

Now i can say without doubt that on x86-64 linux, on a k8, i reliably
get between >3% (rendering path, mostly vectorized SSE) and >5%
(kd-tree compiler, branchy & memory heavy code) performance boost.
Without touching a single line of code.

I don't know, yet, who's the unsung hero i should thank or what he/she
did, or if that result can be correlated in any other benchmark, but
that won't stop me to send my warmest kudos his/her way.

Feel free to fill in the blanks :)


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