Templates and namespaces: such an order of headers causes the compiler error (gcc 3.4.3 and later)

2005-07-29 Thread Grigorio V. Moshkin
The attached archive .tgz contains all necessary to repeat this compile bug. Error disappears if one exchange the order of two headers in Request.cpp. See README file for details. Note: earlier versions of gcc compile it always successfully. Tested compilers generate the error: gcc 3.4.3, 3.4.4

const char *& and std::map<_K, _V>::iterator& : what's wrong?

2005-02-03 Thread Grigorio V. Moshkin
Hi! First, thanks to "Giovanni Bajo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for help. Consider simple C++ program: - #include template void func_map(typename std::map<_K, _V>::iterator& root) { } int main() { std::map mymap; func_map(mymap.begin()); }

Recover from errors

2005-02-02 Thread Grigorio V. Moshkin
Hi! First, thanks to Andrew Pinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, for his fast and exact replay to my previous question! I am porting one large windows application to linux. Code is formerly platform independent. But, Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) 6 is very unserious with ISO C++ standard. For exemple, co

template inheritance & this->

2005-02-01 Thread Grigorio V. Moshkin
Hi! Consider the following program: - template class Base { public: A data_a; int count; }; template class Child: public Base { public: void inc() { this->count++; this->data_a++; // ISO C++ ok, universal. Base::count++; // ISO C++ ok. /