--- Comment #9 from Vincent Lefèvre <vincent-gcc at vinc17 dot net> ---
An update after all these years: As Joseph S. Myers said in the gcc-help list
in February 2005, "even -ffloat-store only deals with assignment, not casts":

So, -ffloat-store did not really help to solve the issue, though those aware of
it could replace casts by intermediate variables to ensure a conversion to the
target precision with -ffloat-store. Rather ugly.

Since then, the -fexcess-precision option has been added[*] for GCC 4.5 and
should probably be recommended as a replacement for -ffloat-store. Or is there
still any reason to use -ffloat-store?

[*] PR323 comment 123 by Joseph S. Myers (November 2008).

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