This patch provides the initial implementation of aspect Depends. This
construct is intended for formal verification proofs.

The syntax of the aspect is as follows:

                         | DEPENDENCY_CLAUSE {, DEPENDENCY_CLAUSE}
   OUTPUT_LIST         ::= null
                         | OUTPUT
                         | (OUTPUT {, OUTPUT})
   INPUT_LIST          ::= null
                         | INPUT
                         | (INPUT {, INPUT})
   OUTPUT              ::= NAME | FUNCTION_RESULT
   INPUT               ::= NAME

where FUNCTION_RESULT is a function Result attribute_reference

The semantics of the aspect are as follows:

Every input and output of a dependency_relation of a Depends aspect of a
subprogram denotes a state abstraction, an entire variable or a formal
parameter of the subprogram.

An input must have a mode of in or in out and an output must have an mode of in
out or out. [Note: As a consequence an entity which is both an input and an
output shall have a mode of in out.]

For the purposes of determining the legality of a Result attribute_reference, a
dependency_relation is considered to be a postcondition of the function to
which the enclosing aspect_specification applies.

There can be at most one output_list which is a null symbol and if it exists it
must be the output_list of the last dependency_clause in the
dependency_relation. An input which is in an input_list of a null output_list
may not appear in another input_list of the same dependency_relation.

The entity denoted by an output in an output_list shall not be denoted by any
other output in that output_list or any other output_list.

The entity denoted by an input in an input_list shall not be denoted by any
other input in that input_list.

Every output of the subprogram shall appear in exactly one output_list. Every
input of the subprogram shall appear in at least one input_list.

-- Source --


package Types is
   type Rec is record
      Comp : Natural;
   end record;
   type Arr is array (1 .. 5) of Rec;
   function Get_Comp (Obj : Rec) return Natural;
end Types;

--  types.adb

package body Types is
   function Get_Comp (Obj : Rec) return Natural is
      return Obj.Comp;
   end Get_Comp;
end Types;


with Types; use Types;

package Semantics with
   Abstract_State => State
   Arr_Obj : Arr;
   Rec_Obj : Rec;

   --  Renaming chain of an object

   Ren_1 : Rec renames Rec_Obj;
   Ren_2 : Rec renames Ren_1;

   --  Renaming of a record component

   Ren_3 : Natural renames Rec_Obj.Comp;

   --  Renaming of an array element

   Ren_4 : Rec renames Arr_Obj (3);

   --  Renaming of a function call result

   Ren_5 : Natural renames Get_Comp (Rec_Obj);

   --  Legality rules
   --  1. Every input and output of a dependency_relation of a Depends aspect
   --  of a subprogram denotes a state abstraction, an entire variable or a
   --  formal parameter of the subprogram.

   procedure OK_1a (Formal : Natural; Result : out Natural)
      with Depends =>
        (Result =>
          (State,     --  abstract state
           Arr_Obj,   --  object
           Rec_Obj,   --  object
           Formal));  --  formal

   procedure OK_1b (Result : out Natural)
      with Depends => (Result => Ren_1);  --  renaming of object

   procedure OK_1c (Result : out Natural)
      with Depends => (Result => Ren_2);  --  renaming of renaming of object

   procedure Error_1 (Result : out Natural)
      with Depends =>
        (Result =>
          (Arr_Obj (3),         --  element
           Rec_Obj.Comp,        --  component
           Get_Comp (Rec_Obj),  --  function call
           Ren_3,               --  renaming of component
           Ren_4,               --  renaming of element
           Ren_5,               --  renaming of function call result
           1234));              --  junk

   --  Legality rules
   --  3. For the purposes of determining the legality of a Result
   --  attribute_reference, a dependency_relation is considered to
   --  be a postcondition of the function to which the enclosing
   --  aspect_specification applies.

   function OK_3 return Natural
      with Depends =>
        (OK_3'Result => Rec_Obj);  --  'Result is an output

   function Error_3a (Result : out Natural) return Natural
      with Depends =>
        (Result => Error_3a'Result);  --  'Result is an input

   function Error_3b (Formal : Natural) return Natural
      with Depends =>
        (Get_Comp (Rec_Obj)'Result => Formal);  --  'Result must apply to the
                                                --  enclosing function

   --  Legality rules
   --  4. There can be at most one output_list which is a null symbol and if it
   --  exists it must be the output_list of the last dependency_clause in the
   --  dependency_relation.

   procedure OK_4a (Formal : Natural; Result : out Natural)
      with Depends =>
        (Result => Formal,
         null   => Rec_Obj);  --  null is last output_list

   function Error_4a (Formal : Natural) return Natural
      with Depends =>
        (null            => Arr_Obj,  --  null is not the last output_list
         Error_4a'Result => Formal);

   --  Legality rules
   --  4. An input which is in an input_list of a null output_list may not
   --  appear in another input_list of the same dependency_relation.

   procedure OK_4b (Formal : Natural; Result : out Natural)
      with Depends =>
        (Result => Ren_1,
         null   => Formal);

   procedure Error_4b (Formal : Natural; Result : out Natural)
      with Depends =>
        (Result => Formal,
         null   => Formal);  --  Formal appears in both output_lists

   --  Legality rules
   --  5. The entity denoted by an output in an output_list shall not
   --  be denoted by any other output in that output_list or any other
   --  output_list.

   procedure OK_5a (Result_1 : out Natural; Result_2 : out Natural)
      with Depends =>
        ((Result_1, Result_2) => Ren_2);

   procedure OK_5b (Result_1 : out Natural; Result_2 : out Natural)
      with Depends =>
        (Result_1 => Arr_Obj,
         Result_2 => Rec_Obj);

   procedure Error_5 (Result_1 : out Natural; Result_2 : out Natural)
      with Depends =>
        ((Result_1, Result_2, Result_1) => Arr_Obj,  --  Result_1 appears twice
          Result_2 => Ren_1);  --  Result_2 is already in the first input_list

   --  Legality rules
   --  6. The entity denoted by an input in an input_list shall not be denoted
   --  by any other input in that input_list.

   function OK_6 (Result : out Natural) return Natural
      with Depends =>
        (Result      => (Rec_Obj, Arr_Obj),
         OK_6'Result =>  Rec_Obj);

   procedure Error_6 (Result : out Natural)
      with Depends =>
        (Result =>
          (Rec_Obj, Ren_1, Ren_2));  --  All inputs are the same object

   --  Extra checks

   procedure Error_E1
      (Formal   : Natural;
       Result_1 : out Natural;
       Result_2 : out Natural;
       Result_3 : out Natural)
   with Depends =>
      ((Result_1, (Result_2, Result_3)) => (Formal, (Arr_Obj, Rec_Obj)));
   --  Cannot have nested groupings such as (Result_2, Result_3)

end Semantics;

-- Compilation and output --

$ gcc -c -gnat12 -gnatd.V item must denote variale, state or formal parameter item must denote variale, state or formal parameter item must denote variale, state or formal parameter item must denote variale, state or formal parameter item must denote variale, state or formal parameter item must denote variale, state or formal parameter item must denote variale, state or formal parameter function result cannot act as input prefix of attribute "Result" must denote the enclosing
  function null output list must be the last clause in a dependency
  relation input of a null output list appears in multiple input
  lists duplicate use of item duplicate use of item duplicate use of item duplicate use of item nested grouping of items not allowed nested grouping of items not allowed

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2013-04-11  Hristian Kirtchev  <>

        *, aspects.adb: Add Aspect_Depends to all the relevant
        *, elists.adb (Contains): New routine.
        * par-prag.adb: Pragma Depends does not need any special treatment
        by the parser.
        * sem_ch13.adb (Analyze_Aspect_Specifications):
        Transform aspect Depends into a corresponding pragma.
        (Check_Aspect_At_Freeze_Point): Aspect Depends does not need
        inspection at its freeze point.
        * sem_prag.adb (Analyze_Pragma): Perform analysis and
        normalization of pragma Depends. Remove the use of function
        Is_Duplicate_Item. Use End_Scope to uninstalle the formal
        parameters of a subprogram. Add a value for pragma Depends in
        table Sig_Flags.
        (Is_Duplicate_Item): Removed.
        * Add predefined name for Depends as well as
        a pragma identifier.

Index: sem_prag.adb
--- sem_prag.adb        (revision 197766)
+++ sem_prag.adb        (working copy)
@@ -6732,7 +6732,7 @@
          --  PROPERTY_LIST              ::= PROPERTY {, PROPERTY}
          --  PROPERTY                   ::= SIMPLE_PROPERTY
-         --                                 | NAME_VALUE_PROPERTY
+         --                               | NAME_VALUE_PROPERTY
          --  SIMPLE_PROPERTY            ::= IDENTIFIER
          --  STATE_NAME                 ::= DEFINING_IDENTIFIER
@@ -8872,6 +8872,706 @@
             Debug_Pragmas_Disabled :=
               Chars (Get_Pragma_Arg (Arg1)) = Name_Disable;
+         -------------
+         -- Depends --
+         -------------
+         --  pragma Depends (DEPENDENCY_RELATION);
+         --  DEPENDENCY_RELATION ::= null
+         --                        | DEPENDENCY_CLAUSE {, DEPENDENCY_CLAUSE}
+         --  OUTPUT_LIST         ::= null
+         --                        | OUTPUT
+         --                        | (OUTPUT {, OUTPUT})
+         --  INPUT_LIST          ::= null
+         --                        | INPUT
+         --                        | (INPUT {, INPUT})
+         --  OUTPUT              ::= NAME | FUNCTION_RESULT
+         --  INPUT               ::= NAME
+         --  where FUNCTION_RESULT is a function Result attribute_reference
+         when Pragma_Depends => Depends : declare
+            Subp_Decl : Node_Id;
+            Subp_Id   : Entity_Id;
+            All_Inputs_Seen : Elist_Id := No_Elist;
+            --  A list containing the entities of all the inputs processed so
+            --  far. This Elist is populated with unique entities because the
+            --  same input may appear in multiple input lists.
+            Outputs_Seen : Elist_Id := No_Elist;
+            --  A list containing the entities of all the outputs processed so
+            --  far. The elements of this list may come from different output
+            --  lists.
+            Null_Output_Seen : Boolean := False;
+            --  A flag used to track the legality of a null output
+            procedure Analyze_Dependency_Clause
+              (Clause  : Node_Id;
+               Is_Last : Boolean);
+            --  Verify the legality of a single dependency clause. Flag Is_Last
+            --  denotes whether Clause is the last clause in the relation.
+            function Entity_Of (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id;
+            --  Return the entity of N or Empty. If N is a renaming, find the
+            --  entity of the root renamed object.
+            procedure Normalize_Clause (Clause : Node_Id);
+            --  Remove a self-dependency "+" from the input list of a clause.
+            --  Depending on the contents of the relation, either split the
+            --  the clause into multiple smaller clauses or perform the
+            --  normalization in place.
+            -------------------------------
+            -- Analyze_Dependency_Clause --
+            -------------------------------
+            procedure Analyze_Dependency_Clause
+              (Clause  : Node_Id;
+               Is_Last : Boolean)
+            is
+               procedure Analyze_Input_List (Inputs : Node_Id);
+               --  Verify the legality of a single input list
+               procedure Analyze_Input_Output
+                 (Item      : Node_Id;
+                  Is_Input  : Boolean;
+                  Top_Level : Boolean;
+                  Seen      : in out Elist_Id;
+                  Null_Seen : in out Boolean);
+               --  Verify the legality of a single input or output item. Flag
+               --  Is_Input should be set whenever Item is an input, False when
+               --  it denotes an output. Flag Top_Level should be set whenever
+               --  Item appears immediately within an input or output list.
+               --  Seen is a collection of all abstract states, variables and
+               --  formals processed so far. Flag Null_Seen denotes whether a
+               --  null input or output has been encountered.
+               ------------------------
+               -- Analyze_Input_List --
+               ------------------------
+               procedure Analyze_Input_List (Inputs : Node_Id) is
+                  Inputs_Seen : Elist_Id := No_Elist;
+                  --  A list containing the entities of all inputs that appear
+                  --  in the current input list.
+                  Null_Input_Seen : Boolean := False;
+                  --  A flag used to track the legality of a null input
+                  Input : Node_Id;
+               begin
+                  --  Multiple inputs appear as an aggregate
+                  if Nkind (Inputs) = N_Aggregate then
+                     if Present (Component_Associations (Inputs)) then
+                        Error_Msg_N
+                          ("nested dependency relations not allowed", Inputs);
+                     elsif Present (Expressions (Inputs)) then
+                        Input := First (Expressions (Inputs));
+                        while Present (Input) loop
+                           Analyze_Input_Output
+                             (Item      => Input,
+                              Is_Input  => True,
+                              Top_Level => False,
+                              Seen      => Inputs_Seen,
+                              Null_Seen => Null_Input_Seen);
+                           Next (Input);
+                        end loop;
+                     else
+                        Error_Msg_N
+                          ("malformed input dependency list", Inputs);
+                     end if;
+                  --  Process a solitary input
+                  else
+                     Analyze_Input_Output
+                       (Item      => Inputs,
+                        Is_Input  => True,
+                        Top_Level => False,
+                        Seen      => Inputs_Seen,
+                        Null_Seen => Null_Input_Seen);
+                  end if;
+               end Analyze_Input_List;
+               --------------------------
+               -- Analyze_Input_Output --
+               --------------------------
+               procedure Analyze_Input_Output
+                 (Item      : Node_Id;
+                  Is_Input  : Boolean;
+                  Top_Level : Boolean;
+                  Seen      : in out Elist_Id;
+                  Null_Seen : in out Boolean)
+               is
+                  Is_Output : constant Boolean := not Is_Input;
+                  Item_Id   : Entity_Id;
+                  Grouped   : Node_Id;
+               begin
+                  --  Multiple input or output items appear as an aggregate
+                  if Nkind (Item) = N_Aggregate then
+                     if not Top_Level then
+                        Error_Msg_N
+                          ("nested grouping of items not allowed", Item);
+                     elsif Present (Component_Associations (Item)) then
+                        Error_Msg_N
+                          ("nested dependency relations not allowed", Item);
+                     --  Recursively analyze the grouped items
+                     elsif Present (Expressions (Item)) then
+                        Grouped := First (Expressions (Item));
+                        while Present (Grouped) loop
+                           Analyze_Input_Output
+                             (Item      => Grouped,
+                              Is_Input  => Is_Input,
+                              Top_Level => False,
+                              Seen      => Seen,
+                              Null_Seen => Null_Seen);
+                           Next (Grouped);
+                        end loop;
+                     else
+                        Error_Msg_N ("malformed dependency list", Item);
+                     end if;
+                  --  Process Function'Result in the context of a dependency
+                  --  clause.
+                  elsif Nkind (Item) = N_Attribute_Reference
+                    and then Attribute_Name (Item) = Name_Result
+                  then
+                     --  It is sufficent to analyze the prefix of 'Result in
+                     --  order to establish legality of the attribute.
+                     Analyze (Prefix (Item));
+                     --  The prefix of 'Result must denote the function for
+                     --  which aspect/pragma Depends applies.
+                     if not Is_Entity_Name (Prefix (Item))
+                       or else Ekind (Subp_Id) /= E_Function
+                       or else Entity (Prefix (Item)) /= Subp_Id
+                     then
+                        Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Result;
+                        Error_Msg_N
+                          ("prefix of attribute % must denote the enclosing " &
+                           "function", Item);
+                     --  Function'Result is allowed to appear on the output
+                     --  side of a dependency clause.
+                     elsif Is_Input then
+                        Error_Msg_N
+                          ("function result cannot act as input", Item);
+                     end if;
+                  --  Detect multiple uses of null in a single dependency list
+                  --  or throughout the whole relation. Verify the placement of
+                  --  a null output list relative to the other clauses.
+                  elsif Nkind (Item) = N_Null then
+                     if Null_Seen then
+                        Error_Msg_N
+                          ("multiple null dependency relations not allowed",
+                           Item);
+                     else
+                        Null_Seen := True;
+                        if Is_Output and then not Is_Last then
+                           Error_Msg_N
+                             ("null output list must be the last clause in " &
+                              "a dependency relation", Item);
+                        end if;
+                     end if;
+                  --  Default case
+                  else
+                     Analyze (Item);
+                     if Is_Entity_Name (Item) then
+                        Item_Id := Entity_Of (Item);
+                        if Present (Item_Id)
+                          and then Ekind_In (Item_Id, E_Abstract_State,
+                                                      E_In_Parameter,
+                                                      E_In_Out_Parameter,
+                                                      E_Out_Parameter,
+                                                      E_Variable)
+                        then
+                           --  Detect multiple uses of the same state, variable
+                           --  or formal parameter. If this is not the case,
+                           --  add the item to the list of processed relations.
+                           if Contains (Seen, Item_Id) then
+                              Error_Msg_N ("duplicate use of item", Item);
+                           else
+                              if No (Seen) then
+                                 Seen := New_Elmt_List;
+                              end if;
+                              Append_Elmt (Item_Id, Seen);
+                           end if;
+                           --  Detect an illegal use of an input related to a
+                           --  null output. Such input items cannot appear in
+                           --  other input lists.
+                           if Null_Output_Seen
+                             and then Contains (All_Inputs_Seen, Item_Id)
+                           then
+                              Error_Msg_N
+                                ("input of a null output list appears in " &
+                                 "multiple input lists", Item);
+                           else
+                              if No (All_Inputs_Seen) then
+                                 All_Inputs_Seen := New_Elmt_List;
+                              end if;
+                              Append_Unique_Elmt (Item_Id, All_Inputs_Seen);
+                           end if;
+                        --  All other input/output items are illegal
+                        else
+                           Error_Msg_N
+                             ("item must denote variable, state or formal " &
+                              "parameter", Item);
+                        end if;
+                     --  All other input/output items are illegal
+                     else
+                        Error_Msg_N
+                          ("item must denote variable, state or formal " &
+                           "parameter", Item);
+                     end if;
+                  end if;
+               end Analyze_Input_Output;
+               --  Local variables
+               Inputs : Node_Id;
+               Output : Node_Id;
+            --  Start of processing for Analyze_Dependency_Clause
+            begin
+               --  Process the output_list of a dependency_clause
+               Output := First (Choices (Clause));
+               while Present (Output) loop
+                  Analyze_Input_Output
+                    (Item      => Output,
+                     Is_Input  => False,
+                     Top_Level => True,
+                     Seen      => Outputs_Seen,
+                     Null_Seen => Null_Output_Seen);
+                  Next (Output);
+               end loop;
+               --  Process the input_list of a dependency_clause
+               Inputs := Expression (Clause);
+               --  An input list with a self-dependency appears as operator "+"
+               --  where the actuals inputs are the right operand.
+               if Nkind (Inputs) = N_Op_Plus then
+                  Inputs := Right_Opnd (Inputs);
+               end if;
+               Analyze_Input_List (Inputs);
+            end Analyze_Dependency_Clause;
+            ---------------
+            -- Entity_Of --
+            ---------------
+            function Entity_Of (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id is
+               Id : Entity_Id := Entity (N);
+            begin
+               --  Follow a possible chain of renamings to reach the root
+               --  renamed object.
+               while Present (Renamed_Object (Id)) loop
+                  if Is_Entity_Name (Renamed_Object (Id)) then
+                     Id := Entity (Renamed_Object (Id));
+                  --  The root of the renaming is not an entire object or
+                  --  variable, return Empty.
+                  else
+                     Id := Empty;
+                     exit;
+                  end if;
+               end loop;
+               return Id;
+            end Entity_Of;
+            ----------------------
+            -- Normalize_Clause --
+            ----------------------
+            procedure Normalize_Clause (Clause : Node_Id) is
+               procedure Create_Or_Modify_Clause
+                 (Output   : Node_Id;
+                  Outputs  : Node_Id;
+                  Inputs   : Node_Id;
+                  After    : Node_Id;
+                  In_Place : Boolean;
+                  Multiple : Boolean);
+               --  Create a brand new clause to represent the self-reference
+               --  or modify the input and/or output lists of an existing
+               --  clause. Output denotes a self-referencial output. Outputs
+               --  is the output list of a clause. Inputs is the input list
+               --  of a clause. After denotes the clause after which the new
+               --  clause is to be inserted. Flag In_Place should be set when
+               --  normalizing the last output of an output list. Flag Multiple
+               --  should be set when Output comes from a list with multiple
+               --  items.
+               -----------------------------
+               -- Create_Or_Modify_Clause --
+               -----------------------------
+               procedure Create_Or_Modify_Clause
+                 (Output   : Node_Id;
+                  Outputs  : Node_Id;
+                  Inputs   : Node_Id;
+                  After    : Node_Id;
+                  In_Place : Boolean;
+                  Multiple : Boolean)
+               is
+                  procedure Propagate_Output
+                    (Output : Node_Id;
+                     Inputs : Node_Id);
+                  --  Handle the various cases of output propagation to the
+                  --  input list. Output denotes a self-referencial output
+                  --  item. Inputs is the input list of a clause.
+                  ----------------------
+                  -- Propagate_Output --
+                  ----------------------
+                  procedure Propagate_Output
+                    (Output : Node_Id;
+                     Inputs : Node_Id)
+                  is
+                     function Contains
+                       (List : List_Id;
+                        Id   : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
+                     --  Determine whether List contains element Id
+                     --------------
+                     -- Contains --
+                     --------------
+                     function Contains
+                       (List : List_Id;
+                        Id   : Entity_Id) return Boolean
+                     is
+                        Elmt : Node_Id;
+                     begin
+                        Elmt := First (List);
+                        while Present (Elmt) loop
+                           if Entity_Of (Elmt) = Id then
+                              return True;
+                           end if;
+                           Next (Elmt);
+                        end loop;
+                        return False;
+                     end Contains;
+                     --  Local variables
+                     Grouped : List_Id;
+                  --  Start of processing for Propagate_Output
+                  begin
+                     --  The clause is of the form:
+                     --    (Output =>+ null)
+                     --  Remove the null input and replace it with a copy of
+                     --  the output:
+                     --    (Output => Output)
+                     if Nkind (Inputs) = N_Null then
+                        Rewrite (Inputs, New_Copy_Tree (Output));
+                     --  The clause is of the form:
+                     --    (Output =>+ (Input1, ..., InputN))
+                     --  Determine whether the output is not already mentioned
+                     --  in the input list and if not, add it to the list of
+                     --  inputs:
+                     --    (Output => (Output, Input1, ..., InputN))
+                     elsif Nkind (Inputs) = N_Aggregate then
+                        Grouped := Expressions (Inputs);
+                        if not Contains (Grouped, Entity_Of (Output)) then
+                           Prepend_To (Grouped, New_Copy_Tree (Output));
+                        end if;
+                     --  The clause is of the form:
+                     --    (Output =>+ Input)
+                     --  If the input does not mention the output, group the
+                     --  two together:
+                     --    (Output => (Output, Input))
+                     elsif Entity_Of (Output) /= Entity_Of (Inputs) then
+                        Rewrite (Inputs,
+                          Make_Aggregate (Loc,
+                            Expressions => New_List (
+                              New_Copy_Tree (Output),
+                              New_Copy_Tree (Inputs))));
+                     end if;
+                  end Propagate_Output;
+                  --  Local variables
+                  Loc    : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Output);
+                  Clause : Node_Id;
+               --  Start of processing for Create_Or_Modify_Clause
+               begin
+                  --  A function result cannot depend on itself because it
+                  --  cannot appear in the input list of a relation.
+                  if Nkind (Output) = N_Attribute_Reference
+                    and then Attribute_Name (Output) = Name_Result
+                  then
+                     Error_Msg_N
+                       ("function result cannot depend on itself", Output);
+                     return;
+                  --  A null output depending on itself does not require any
+                  --  normalization.
+                  elsif Nkind (Output) = N_Null then
+                     return;
+                  end if;
+                  --  When performing the transformation in place, simply add
+                  --  the output to the list of inputs (if not already there).
+                  --  This case arises when dealing with the last output of an
+                  --  output list - we perform the normalization in place to
+                  --  avoid generating a malformed tree.
+                  if In_Place then
+                     Propagate_Output (Output, Inputs);
+                     --  A list with multiple outputs is slowly trimmed until
+                     --  only one element remains. When this happens, replace
+                     --  the aggregate with the element itself.
+                     if Multiple then
+                        Remove  (Output);
+                        Rewrite (Outputs, Output);
+                     end if;
+                  --  Default case
+                  else
+                     --  Unchain the output from its output list as it will
+                     --  appear in a new clause. Note that we cannot simply
+                     --  rewrite the output as null because this will violate
+                     --  the semantics of aspect/pragma Depends.
+                     Remove (Output);
+                     --  Create a new clause of the form:
+                     --    (Output => Inputs)
+                     Clause :=
+                       Make_Component_Association (Loc,
+                         Choices    => New_List (Output),
+                         Expression => New_Copy_Tree (Inputs));
+                     --  The new clause contains replicated content that has
+                     --  already been analyzed. There is not need to reanalyze
+                     --  it or renormalize it again.
+                     Set_Analyzed (Clause);
+                     Propagate_Output
+                       (Output => First (Choices (Clause)),
+                        Inputs => Expression (Clause));
+                     Insert_After (After, Clause);
+                  end if;
+               end Create_Or_Modify_Clause;
+               --  Local variables
+               Outputs     : constant Node_Id := First (Choices (Clause));
+               Inputs      : Node_Id;
+               Last_Output : Node_Id;
+               Next_Output : Node_Id;
+               Output      : Node_Id;
+            --  Start of processing for Normalize_Clause
+            begin
+               --  A self-dependency appears as operator "+". Remove the "+"
+               --  from the tree by moving the real inputs to their proper
+               --  place.
+               if Nkind (Expression (Clause)) = N_Op_Plus then
+                  Rewrite
+                    (Expression (Clause), Right_Opnd (Expression (Clause)));
+                  Inputs := Expression (Clause);
+                  --  Multiple outputs appear as an aggregate
+                  if Nkind (Outputs) = N_Aggregate then
+                     Last_Output := Last (Expressions (Outputs));
+                     Output := First (Expressions (Outputs));
+                     while Present (Output) loop
+                        --  Normalization may remove an output from its list,
+                        --  preserve the subsequent output now.
+                        Next_Output := Next (Output);
+                        Create_Or_Modify_Clause
+                          (Output   => Output,
+                           Outputs  => Outputs,
+                           Inputs   => Inputs,
+                           After    => Clause,
+                           In_Place => Output = Last_Output,
+                           Multiple => True);
+                        Output := Next_Output;
+                     end loop;
+                  --  Solitary output
+                  else
+                     Create_Or_Modify_Clause
+                       (Output   => Outputs,
+                        Outputs  => Empty,
+                        Inputs   => Inputs,
+                        After    => Empty,
+                        In_Place => True,
+                        Multiple => False);
+                  end if;
+               end if;
+            end Normalize_Clause;
+            --  Local variables
+            Clause      : Node_Id;
+            Errors      : Nat;
+            Last_Clause : Node_Id;
+         --  Start of processing for Depends
+         begin
+            GNAT_Pragma;
+            S14_Pragma;
+            Check_Arg_Count (1);
+            --  Ensure the proper placement of the pragma. Depends must be
+            --  associated with a subprogram declaration.
+            Subp_Decl := Parent (Corresponding_Aspect (N));
+            if Nkind (Subp_Decl) /= N_Subprogram_Declaration then
+               Pragma_Misplaced;
+               return;
+            end if;
+            Subp_Id := Defining_Unit_Name (Specification (Subp_Decl));
+            Clause  := Expression (Arg1);
+            --  There is nothing to be done for a null dependency relation
+            if Nkind (Clause) = N_Null then
+               null;
+            --  Dependency clauses appear as component associations of an
+            --  aggregate.
+            elsif Nkind (Clause) = N_Aggregate
+              and then Present (Component_Associations (Clause))
+            then
+               Last_Clause := Last (Component_Associations (Clause));
+               --  Ensure that the formal parameters are visible when analyzing
+               --  all clauses. This falls out of the general rule of aspects
+               --  pertaining to subprogram declarations.
+               Push_Scope (Subp_Id);
+               Install_Formals (Subp_Id);
+               Clause := First (Component_Associations (Clause));
+               while Present (Clause) loop
+                  Errors := Serious_Errors_Detected;
+                  --  Normalization may create extra clauses that contain
+                  --  replicated input and output names. There is no need
+                  --  to reanalyze or renormalize these extra clauses.
+                  if not Analyzed (Clause) then
+                     Set_Analyzed (Clause);
+                     Analyze_Dependency_Clause
+                       (Clause  => Clause,
+                        Is_Last => Clause = Last_Clause);
+                     --  Do not normalize an erroneous clause because the
+                     --  inputs or outputs may denote illegal items.
+                     if Errors = Serious_Errors_Detected then
+                        Normalize_Clause (Clause);
+                     end if;
+                  end if;
+                  Next (Clause);
+               end loop;
+               End_Scope;
+            --  The top level dependency relation is malformed
+            else
+               Error_Msg_N ("malformed dependency relation", Clause);
+            end if;
+         end Depends;
          -- Detect_Blocking --
@@ -10064,13 +10764,13 @@
          --  pragma Global (GLOBAL_SPECIFICATION)
-         --                           | GLOBAL_LIST
-         --                           | null
+         --  GLOBAL_SPECIFICATION ::= null
+         --                         | GLOBAL_LIST
+         --                         | MODED_GLOBAL_LIST {, MODED_GLOBAL_LIST}
          --  MODE_SELECTOR        ::= Input | Output | In_Out | Contract_In
          --  GLOBAL_LIST          ::= GLOBAL_ITEM
-         --                           | (GLOBAL_ITEM {, GLOBAL_ITEM})
+         --                         | (GLOBAL_ITEM {, GLOBAL_ITEM})
          --  GLOBAL_ITEM          ::= NAME
          when Pragma_Global => Global : declare
@@ -10127,37 +10827,8 @@
                  (Item        : Node_Id;
                   Global_Mode : Name_Id)
-                  function Is_Duplicate_Item (Id : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
-                  --  Determine whether Id has already been processed
-                  -----------------------
-                  -- Is_Duplicate_Item --
-                  -----------------------
-                  function Is_Duplicate_Item (Id : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
-                     Item_Elmt : Elmt_Id;
-                  begin
-                     if Present (Seen) then
-                        Item_Elmt := First_Elmt (Seen);
-                        while Present (Item_Elmt) loop
-                           if Node (Item_Elmt) = Id then
-                              return True;
-                           end if;
-                           Next_Elmt (Item_Elmt);
-                        end loop;
-                     end if;
-                     return False;
-                  end Is_Duplicate_Item;
-                  --  Local declarations
                   Id : Entity_Id;
-               --  Start of processing for Analyze_Global_Item
                   --  Detect one of the following cases
@@ -10207,7 +10878,7 @@
                   --  The same entity might be referenced through various way.
                   --  Check the entity of the item rather than the item itself.
-                  if Is_Duplicate_Item (Id) then
+                  if Contains (Seen, Id) then
                      Error_Msg_N ("duplicate global item", Item);
                   --  Add the entity of the current item to the list of
@@ -10421,7 +11092,7 @@
                Analyze_Global_List (List);
-               Pop_Scope;
+               End_Scope;
             end if;
          end Global;
@@ -16624,6 +17295,7 @@
       Pragma_Debug_Policy                   =>  0,
       Pragma_Detect_Blocking                => -1,
       Pragma_Default_Storage_Pool           => -1,
+      Pragma_Depends                        => -1,
       Pragma_Disable_Atomic_Synchronization => -1,
       Pragma_Discard_Names                  =>  0,
       Pragma_Dispatching_Domain             => -1,
Index: elists.adb
--- elists.adb  (revision 197743)
+++ elists.adb  (working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 --                                                                          --
 --                                 B o d y                                  --
 --                                                                          --
---          Copyright (C) 1992-2010, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--          Copyright (C) 1992-2013, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
 --                                                                          --
 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
@@ -158,6 +158,28 @@
       end loop;
    end Append_Unique_Elmt;
+   --------------
+   -- Contains --
+   --------------
+   function Contains (List : Elist_Id; N : Node_Or_Entity_Id) return Boolean is
+      Elmt : Elmt_Id;
+   begin
+      if Present (List) then
+         Elmt := First_Elmt (List);
+         while Present (Elmt) loop
+            if Node (Elmt) = N then
+               return True;
+            end if;
+            Next_Elmt (Elmt);
+         end loop;
+      end if;
+      return False;
+   end Contains;
    -- Elists_Address --
---  (revision 197743)
+++  (working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 --                                                                          --
 --                                 S p e c                                  --
 --                                                                          --
---          Copyright (C) 1992-2009, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--          Copyright (C) 1992-2013, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
 --                                                                          --
 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
@@ -153,6 +153,10 @@
    --  affected, but the space used by the list element may be (but is not
    --  required to be) freed for reuse in a subsequent Append_Elmt call.
+   function Contains (List : Elist_Id; N : Node_Or_Entity_Id) return Boolean;
+   --  Perform a sequential search to determine whether the given list contains
+   --  a node or an entity.
    function No (List : Elist_Id) return Boolean;
    pragma Inline (No);
    --  Tests given Id for equality with No_Elist. This allows notations like
Index: aspects.adb
--- aspects.adb (revision 197743)
+++ aspects.adb (working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 --                                                                          --
 --                                 B o d y                                  --
 --                                                                          --
---          Copyright (C) 2010-2012, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--          Copyright (C) 2010-2013, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
 --                                                                          --
 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
@@ -259,6 +259,7 @@
     Aspect_Default_Component_Value      => Aspect_Default_Component_Value,
     Aspect_Default_Iterator             => Aspect_Default_Iterator,
     Aspect_Default_Value                => Aspect_Default_Value,
+    Aspect_Depends                      => Aspect_Depends,
     Aspect_Dimension                    => Aspect_Dimension,
     Aspect_Dimension_System             => Aspect_Dimension_System,
     Aspect_Discard_Names                => Aspect_Discard_Names,
--- (revision 197743)
+++ (working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 --                                                                          --
 --                                 S p e c                                  --
 --                                                                          --
---          Copyright (C) 2010-2012, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--          Copyright (C) 2010-2013, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
 --                                                                          --
 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
+      Aspect_Depends,                       -- GNAT
       Aspect_Dimension,                     -- GNAT
       Aspect_Dimension_System,              -- GNAT
@@ -229,6 +230,7 @@
                              Aspect_Compiler_Unit            => True,
                              Aspect_Contract_Case            => True,
                              Aspect_Contract_Cases           => True,
+                             Aspect_Depends                  => True,
                              Aspect_Dimension                => True,
                              Aspect_Dimension_System         => True,
                              Aspect_Favor_Top_Level          => True,
@@ -325,6 +327,7 @@
                         Aspect_Default_Component_Value => Expression,
                         Aspect_Default_Iterator        => Name,
                         Aspect_Default_Value           => Expression,
+                        Aspect_Depends                 => Expression,
                         Aspect_Dimension               => Expression,
                         Aspect_Dimension_System        => Expression,
                         Aspect_Dispatching_Domain      => Expression,
@@ -399,6 +402,7 @@
      Aspect_Default_Iterator             => Name_Default_Iterator,
      Aspect_Default_Value                => Name_Default_Value,
      Aspect_Default_Component_Value      => Name_Default_Component_Value,
+     Aspect_Depends                      => Name_Depends,
      Aspect_Dimension                    => Name_Dimension,
      Aspect_Dimension_System             => Name_Dimension_System,
      Aspect_Discard_Names                => Name_Discard_Names,
Index: par-prag.adb
--- par-prag.adb        (revision 197743)
+++ par-prag.adb        (working copy)
@@ -1140,6 +1140,7 @@
            Pragma_Controlled                     |
            Pragma_Convention                     |
            Pragma_Debug_Policy                   |
+           Pragma_Depends                        |
            Pragma_Detect_Blocking                |
            Pragma_Default_Storage_Pool           |
            Pragma_Disable_Atomic_Synchronization |
Index: sem_ch13.adb
--- sem_ch13.adb        (revision 197773)
+++ sem_ch13.adb        (working copy)
@@ -1475,6 +1475,17 @@
                   Delay_Required := False;
+               when Aspect_Depends =>
+                  Aitem :=
+                    Make_Pragma (Loc,
+                      Pragma_Identifier            =>
+                        Make_Identifier (Sloc (Id), Name_Depends),
+                      Pragma_Argument_Associations => New_List (
+                        Make_Pragma_Argument_Association (Loc,
+                          Expression => Relocate_Node (Expr))));
+                  Delay_Required := False;
                --  Aspect Global must be delayed because it can mention names
                --  and benefit from the forward visibility rules applicable to
                --  aspects of subprograms.
@@ -7265,6 +7276,7 @@
          when Aspect_Abstract_State       |
               Aspect_Contract_Case        |
               Aspect_Contract_Cases       |
+              Aspect_Depends              |
               Aspect_Dimension            |
               Aspect_Dimension_System     |
               Aspect_Implicit_Dereference |
---     (revision 197743)
+++     (working copy)
@@ -485,6 +485,7 @@
    --  pragma.
    Name_Debug                          : constant Name_Id := N + $; -- GNAT
+   Name_Depends                        : constant Name_Id := N + $; -- GNAT
    Name_Elaborate                      : constant Name_Id := N + $; -- Ada 83
    Name_Elaborate_All                  : constant Name_Id := N + $;
    Name_Elaborate_Body                 : constant Name_Id := N + $;
@@ -1774,6 +1775,7 @@
+      Pragma_Depends,

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