This patch fixes the handling of attribute reference 'Old in the presence
of Assertion_Policy (Checked) pragma, when a unit is compiled without the
-gnata flag.

Compiling and executing the following:

      gnatmake -q assertion_policy_test.adb

Must yield:
   +++++ Assertion_Policy_Test starts +++++
   Houston we have a problem: Exception name: SYSTEM.ASSERTIONS.ASSERT_FAILURE
   Message: failed precondition from

while if the configuration pragma in is set to Ignore,
the output must be:

   +++++ Assertion_Policy_Test starts +++++
   Houston we have a problem: Exception name: CONSTRAINT_ERROR
   Message: advanced_stacks.adb:13 index check failed

-- assertion_policy_test.adb
with Ada.Text_Io;
with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada;

with Advanced_Stacks;

procedure Assertion_Policy_Test is
   use Ada;
   use Text_Io;

   Stack_Size : constant := 10;
   Test_Stack : Advanced_Stacks.Stack (Stack_Size);
   Result : Advanced_Stacks.Element := Advanced_Stacks.Element'First;


   Put_Line ("+++++ Assertion_Policy_Test starts +++++");
   Result := Advanced_Stacks.Pop (Test_Stack);
   Put_Line ("+++++ Assertion_Policy_Test ends +++++");

   when Err : others =>
      Put_Line ("Houston we have a problem: " &

end Assertion_Policy_Test;
pragma Assertion_Policy (Check);

package Advanced_Stacks is

   subtype Element is Integer;

   type Vector is array (Positive range <>) of Element;

   type Stack (Max_Length : Natural) is
      Length : Natural := Natural'First;
      Data : Vector (1 .. Max_Length);
   end record;

   function Not_Empty (S : Stack) return Boolean is
      (S.Length > 0 and S.Length <= S.Max_Length);

   function Not_Full (S : Stack) return Boolean is
      (S.Length < S.Max_Length);

   procedure Push (E : Element; S: in out Stack)
     with Pre => Not_Full(S),   -- Precodition
          Post =>               -- Postcondition
             (S.Length = S'Old.Length + 1) and then
             (S.Data (S.Length) = E) and then
             (for all J in 1 .. S'Old.Length =>
                 S.Data(J) = S'Old.Data(J));

   function Pop (S : in out Stack) return Element
      with Pre => Not_Empty(S), --Assertion_Error if Assertion_Policy is on
           Post => (S.Length + 1 = S'Old.Length) and then
                  (S.Data (1..S.Length) = S'Old.Data (1 .. S'Old.Length - 1));

   procedure Pop (S : in out Stack; E : out Element)
      with Pre => Not_Empty(S),
           Post => (S.Length = S'Old.Length - 1) and then
                   (S'Old.Data (S'Old.Length) = E) and then
                  (S.Data (1..S.Length) = S'Old.Data (1 .. S'Old.Length - 1));

end Advanced_Stacks;
-- advanced_stacks.adb
package body Advanced_Stacks is

   procedure Push (E : Element; S: in out Stack) is
      S.Length := S.Length + 1;
      S.Data(S.Length) := E;
   end Push;

   function Pop (S : in out Stack) return Element is
      Result : Element := Element'First;
      Result := S.Data(S.Length);
                --index check failed if Assertion_Policy not in effect
      S.Length := S.Length - 1;
      return Result;
   end Pop;

   procedure Pop (S : in out Stack; E : out Element) is
      E := S.Data (S.Length);
      S.Length := S.Length - 1;
   end Pop;

end Advanced_Stacks;

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2014-06-13  Ed Schonberg  <>

        * exp_attr.adb (Expand_N_Attribute_Reference, case 'Old):
        To determine whether the attribute should be expanded, examine
        whether the enclosing postcondition pragma is to be checked,
        rather than using the internal flag Assertions_Enabled.

Index: exp_attr.adb
--- exp_attr.adb        (revision 211615)
+++ exp_attr.adb        (working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 --                                                                          --
 --                                 B o d y                                  --
 --                                                                          --
---          Copyright (C) 1992-2013, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--          Copyright (C) 1992-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
 --                                                                          --
 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
@@ -3962,13 +3962,6 @@
          Temp    : Entity_Id;
-         --  If assertions are disabled, no need to create the declaration
-         --  that preserves the value.
-         if not Assertions_Enabled then
-            return;
-         end if;
          Temp := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'T', Pref);
          --  Climb the parent chain looking for subprogram _Postconditions
@@ -3978,6 +3971,17 @@
             exit when Nkind (Subp) = N_Subprogram_Body
               and then Chars (Defining_Entity (Subp)) = Name_uPostconditions;
+            --  If assertions are disabled, no need to create the declaration
+            --  that preserves the value. The postcondition pragma in which
+            --  'Old appears will be checked or disabled according to the
+            --  current policy in effect.
+            if Nkind (Subp) = N_Pragma
+              and then not Is_Checked (Subp)
+            then
+               return;
+            end if;
             Subp := Parent (Subp);
          end loop;

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