This patch removes an optimization when evaluating integer literals within
qualified expressions that caused checks on if and case expressions to not be
generated properly.

-- Source --

--  call_do_smth.adb

with Test; use Test;
with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Call_Do_Smth is
   X : T;
   Y : T;
   Do_Smth (True, X, Y);

   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (T'Image (X));
   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (T'Image (Y));

end Call_Do_Smth;


package Test with SPARK_Mode is

   subtype T is Positive range 5 .. 16;

   procedure Do_Smth (I : Boolean; Oha : out T; Ohb : out T);

end Test;

--  test.adb

package body Test with SPARK_Mode is

   procedure Do_Smth (I : Boolean; Oha : out T; Ohb : out T) is
      V : T :=
        T'(if I then
      V2 : T :=
        T'(case I is
             when True => 0,
             when False => 16);
      Oha := V;
      Ohb := V2;
   end Do_Smth;

end Test;

-- Compilation and output --

$ gnatmake -q call_do_smth.adb
test.adb:6:13: value not in range of type "T" defined at
test.adb:6:13: "Constraint_Error" would have been raised at run time
test.adb:11:27: value not in range of type "T" defined at
test.adb:11:27: "Constraint_Error" would have been raised at run time
gnatmake: "test.adb" compilation error

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2017-01-23  Justin Squirek  <>

        * sem_eval.adb (Eval_Integer_Literal): Add special
        case to avoid optimizing out check if the literal appears in
        an if-expression.

Index: sem_eval.adb
--- sem_eval.adb        (revision 244773)
+++ sem_eval.adb        (working copy)
@@ -2682,9 +2682,12 @@
       --  If the literal appears in a non-expression context, then it is
       --  certainly appearing in a non-static context, so check it. This is
       --  actually a redundant check, since Check_Non_Static_Context would
-      --  check it, but it seems worth while avoiding the call.
+      --  check it, but it seems worth while to optimize out the call.
-      if Nkind (Parent (N)) not in N_Subexpr
+      --  An exception is made for a literal in an if or case expression
+      if (Nkind_In (Parent (N), N_If_Expression, N_Case_Expression_Alternative)
+           or else Nkind (Parent (N)) not in N_Subexpr)
         and then not In_Any_Integer_Context
          Check_Non_Static_Context (N);

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