2016-08-01 10:56 GMT+03:00 Georg-Johann Lay :
> The length computation of "branch" flavour insn length attribute computed a
> length one instruction too short, e.g. in the following test case:
> #define N0(N) if (X++ < N) __builtin_avr_nop()
> #define N1(N) N0(N);N0(N);N0(N);N0(N);N0(N);N0(N);N
The length computation of "branch" flavour insn length attribute computed a
length one instruction too short, e.g. in the following test case:
#define N0(N) if (X++ < N) __builtin_avr_nop()
#define N1(N) N0(N);N0(N);N0(N);N0(N);N0(N);N0(N);N0(N);N0(N);N0(N);N0(N)
#define N2(N) N1(N);N1(N);N1(N)