Ok I figured it out after inspecting the code[1]. This works:
$ ./configure --with-spatialite=/usr/local
or (if SpatiaLite installed by apt in Ubuntu 10.04)
$ ./configure --with-spatialite=/usr
Why isn't the presence of -lspatialite tested and added automatically,
like with all other formats?
Hi all,
I cannot seem to configure GDAL 1.7.2 with SpatiaLite support. My
system is Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy server LTS. I've installed SpatiaLite
version 2.3.1 from source (both lib and tools), and it appears to work
normally. I'm not sure if it matters, but I installed both sqlite3 and
the development
I am not sure why the value is not quoted in the error report. The
PostgreSQL driver quotes the string values.
When using CreateFeature() you need to make sure to set the feature's FID to
OGRNullFID using SetFID(OGRNullFID). In your error report it shows that
ogc_fid is set to 0. Perhaps th
It should work.
You are talking about the create-option INSERT, right?
You would need to add double quotes around the whole options entry therefore
you would need to use
single quotes around the RDT name.
I just found a wrong example at [gdal.org/frmt_georaster.html] and I am going