RE: [gdal-dev] Java swig binding wont comile.

2010-10-18 Thread Michael Pascoe
Thanks Even, I installed SWIG 1.3.39 then tried to recompile the swig wrappers. First I had to fix some things I had mangled while trying to debug this problem. Then I found I had to run: make veryclean in gdal-1.7.2/swig/java to make it recompile the wrappers. (I was trying make clean for a

Re: [gdal-dev] Re: how to say gdalwarp to use nadgrid by default

2010-10-18 Thread Eloi Ribeiro
Thanks Chaitanya, I intended to avoid all this writing to make sure the nadgrid is used: *gdalwarp -s_srs +proj=utm +zone=30 +ellps=intl +units=m +nadgrids=R2009V9.gsb +wktext -t_srs +proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0 rast_23030.tif rast_4258.tif* But after reading this[1] I just realise

Re: [gdal-dev] mod_python issue with libtiff

2010-10-18 Thread Andreas Neumann
Hi, Thank you all for your hints so far. Frank also suggested to examine which libraries are in use by Apache with the following command: cat /proc/apache-id/maps It turns out that /usr/lib/ and /usr/local/lib/ are in use. There is no installed

Re: [gdal-dev] mod_python issue with libtiff

2010-10-18 Thread Frank Warmerdam
Andreas Neumann wrote: Hi, Thank you all for your hints so far. Frank also suggested to examine which libraries are in use by Apache with the following command: cat /proc/apache-id/maps It turns out that /usr/lib/ and /usr/local/lib/ are in use. There is no

Re: [gdal-dev] geoPDF file not recognized as a supported format by GDAL1.8dev ?

2010-10-18 Thread Boris Dev
Your instructions worked. thanks! On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 4:02 PM, Even Rouault even.roua...@mines-paris.orgwrote: Boris yes, GDAL should be able to read geoPDF topo files from the USGS. (geospatial PDF is more neutral term than geoPDF that happens to be a trademark... see Important Note

[gdal-dev] RFC 29 - OGR Ignored Fields Applied in Trunk

2010-10-18 Thread Frank Warmerdam
Folks, With minor adjustments and the addition of swig bindings and a test suite I have committed Martin's changes for RFC 29 - OGR field ignoring. Testing is welcome. We could of course benefit from implementation of this capability in many other drivers - especially RDBMS drivers, and it