Re: [gdal-dev] Re: Cleaning up the tilefilename generation in

2011-04-16 Thread Martin Krüger
I was in need to generate tiles from a geotiff to publish the image as a tms-service. So i was happy to find the script which does the job. The only issue i stumbled over: generates the tiles in the google format(0,0=top-left) , i need the tms

[gdal-dev] Shapefile (DBF) Code Page Handling

2011-04-16 Thread Frank Warmerdam
Folks, I have implemented some preliminary support for encoding/decoding of string attributes to/from DBF files in trunk. Changes are: Some notes at: Testing and example files are welcome,

[gdal-dev] LAS format driver for OGR?

2011-04-16 Thread Stefan Keller
Hi, Can GDAL/OGR read/write the ASPRS LAS format versions 1.0 .. 1.3 (defined here: )? I tried to read LIDAR data in LAS format from LAStools ( ) but without success using gdalinfo and ogrinfo. Even the Python LAS-shapefile converter

Re: [gdal-dev] LAS format driver for OGR?

2011-04-16 Thread Mateusz Loskot
Stefan Keller wrote: I tried to read LIDAR data in LAS format from LAStools ( ) but without success using gdalinfo and ogrinfo. Even the Python LAS-shapefile converter ( ) failed (TypeError...). Some time ago I have

Re: [gdal-dev] LAS format driver for OGR?

2011-04-16 Thread Even Rouault
Le dimanche 17 avril 2011 02:12:08, Stefan Keller a écrit : Hi, Can GDAL/OGR read/write the ASPRS LAS format versions 1.0 .. 1.3 (defined here: )? No I tried to read LIDAR data in LAS format from LAStools ( ) but without