Re: [gdal-dev] How to view geopackage file which is having vector tiles (MapBox Vector Tiles format)

2021-06-16 Thread MRRAJESH
Thanks for the client's information. As part of Prototype, we have created gpkg file ourselves with MVT vector tiles with proposed extensions. Regards, Rajesh -- Sent from:

Re: [gdal-dev] How to view geopackage file which is having vector tiles (MapBox Vector Tiles format)

2021-06-16 Thread MRRAJESH
No, this is not MBTiles format. This is geopackage file with MVT vector tiles, NOT images. QGIS is supporting only raster geopackage files, ours is vector geopackage files. Regards, Rajesh -- Sent from:

[gdal-dev] How to view geopackage file which is having vector tiles (MapBox Vector Tiles format)

2021-06-16 Thread MRRAJESH
Team, We have geopackage file, which is having vector tiles (MapBox Vector Tiles format) as BLOBS. How to view these vector tiles? do we have any viewers? or applications? Regards, Rajesh -- Sent from:

[gdal-dev] geopackage size limitation for Vector tiles

2021-06-11 Thread MRRAJESH
Team, We are planning to use geopackage to store vector tiles (MapBox Vector Tiles format) as BLOBS along with attribute information. Do we have any size limitations in geopackage to store vector tiles? Will geopackage support a huge number of tiles? Are you envisioning any complications here?

Re: [gdal-dev] OSGeo.OGR.Geometry: Union the mutiple geometries at a time

2021-03-23 Thread MRRAJESH
I am referring to the below image - -- Sent from: ___ gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] OSGeo.OGR.Geometry: Union the mutiple geometries at a time

2021-03-19 Thread MRRAJESH
Thanks Even. Whether this algorithm internally use Convex Hull or Concave Hull? How to get Concave Hull-based union geometry using GDAL? Are these functionalities (ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt..) available with C# bindings? Regards, Rajesh -- Sent from:

[gdal-dev] OSGeo.OGR.Geometry: Union the mutiple geometries at a time

2021-03-17 Thread MRRAJESH
Developers, We came to know that OSGeo.OGR.Geometry is having the *Union *method which allows to the union of the two geometries (code snippet below). But this allows us one by one. How to union the multiple geometries (say 1000 geometries) at a time? Any methods or libraries in GDAL?

Re: [gdal-dev] Finding the Map-Tiles(x, y) in a given Bounding box and zoom level

2021-03-11 Thread MRRAJESH
Thanks for the reply. I got one library, i.e., -- Sent from: ___ gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Vector Tile size change in Ogr2Ogr

2021-03-11 Thread MRRAJESH
Thank you Even. Can you please explain the BOUNDS usage? How it is related to EXTENT? Regards, Rajesh -- Sent from: ___ gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] Vector Tile size change in Ogr2Ogr

2021-03-11 Thread MRRAJESH
Developers, What is the default tile size when we generate the Vector tiles (MVT) using Ogr2Ogr? Can we set the tile size as 512x512? Regards, Rajesh -- Sent from: ___ gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Finding the Map-Tiles(x, y) in a given Bounding box and zoom level

2021-03-08 Thread MRRAJESH
Hi, Do we have any libraries to get the tiles other than mercantile? mercantile is having one method - mercantile.tiles(*bounds, zooms=[18]) Which is accepting only bounds in bbox format. Our requirement is to pass the irregular polygon and get the tiles. Thanks Rajesh -- Sent from:

[gdal-dev] clipping with an irregular polygon with gdal.VectorTranslate

2021-03-07 Thread MRRAJESH
Developers, I am trying to set the "-clipsrc" with bbox, it is working as expected. ogr2ogr -clipsrc -9943695.99544 5321548.895035 -9943537.149741 5321390.049336 -f MVT But how can I set a "-clipsrc" with an irregular polygon? Any other ways? Regards, Rajesh -- Sent from:

[gdal-dev] Merge the GeoJSON files

2021-03-01 Thread MRRAJESH
Hi, I have two GeoJSON files. One is having features A and B, another one is having Features B and C. In these two files Feature B is common ( same attributes and same geometry). Now I want to merge these two GeoJSON files into either a single GoeJSON file or a GPKG file. But the Output file

Re: [gdal-dev] Finding the Map-Tiles(x, y) in a given Bounding box and zoom level

2021-02-24 Thread MRRAJESH
Thank you. 1. Any C# nuget packages available for mercantile? 2. Any GDAL methods to achieve the functionality (i.e., get the tile numbers for a given BBOX and level)? -- Sent from: ___

[gdal-dev] Finding the Map-Tiles(x, y) in a given Bounding box and zoom level

2021-02-22 Thread MRRAJESH
Hi, I have map tiles @ different zoom levels 8 to 22 levels. I have a Bounding box also. How can I calculate the minimum number tile (min tile column, min tile row) and maximum number tile (max tile column, max tile row) for a given bounding box and zoom level? Any sample code? For Example:

Re: [gdal-dev] break a bounding box into smaller boxes

2021-02-18 Thread MRRAJESH
We are expecting feature information from our own map server for a given BBOX. At present we are limited to 500 features is the max limit. But as per our requirement, we want to return a huge number of features from the server. So we are planning to split the BBOX into multiple boxes and hit the

[gdal-dev] break a bounding box into smaller boxes

2021-02-17 Thread MRRAJESH
Hi, We have large area bbox coordinates. When we hit with this BBOX, MapServer is not able to handle the bigger size bbox values. We are planning to split the bigger bbox into multiple bboxes and send them to the map server for features data. Any library or sample code to break a bounding box

Re: [gdal-dev] Converting KML data with styles to GeoJSON output

2021-02-09 Thread MRRAJESH
Below are the input sample KML, out GeoJSON, and missing values. *Sample KML:*;> Building 41 #transBluePoly 1 relativeToGround -122.0857412771483,37.42227033155257,17

[gdal-dev] Converting KML data with styles to GeoJSON output

2021-02-08 Thread MRRAJESH
Hey, I am trying to convert a kml-file with styles to a GeoJSON. Observed that only data is converted but styles information is missing. How to get the Geojson data along with styles? I have tried with org2ogr. Below is the KML file -;>Building

[gdal-dev] How to return an empty MVT tile with gdal.VectorTranslate in C++

2020-09-21 Thread MRRAJESH
Developers, I am using below in C++ GDALVectorTranslate to create MVT files in vsibuf. In this case, the input file in having zero features, hence it is not creating tiles in memory. dst = (GDALDataset *)GDALVectorTranslate(vsibuf, NULL, 1, , opt, NULL); Whenever we accessing for an mvt

[gdal-dev] C++ GDALVectorTranslate locking the files

2020-09-01 Thread MRRAJESH
Developers, I am using ...\gdal\x86\*.dlls as a reference dlls and created a C++ project with (GDALDataset *)GDALVectorTranslate method. Whenever I am requesting /VectorTileService/18/66027/96262.mvt on the browser I am getting a response. After the response, If I go back and rebuild the

Re: [gdal-dev] clipping a vector with gdal.VectorTranslate

2020-08-11 Thread MRRAJESH
You are right, its mistake from my end. spaces should be there (ogr2ogr -clipsrc -9943695.99544 5321548.895035 -9943537.149741 5321390.049336 -f MVT) "-clipsrc" in C# is working fine with your code snippet. Thanks. -- Sent from:

[gdal-dev] clipping a vector with gdal.VectorTranslate

2020-08-11 Thread MRRAJESH
Developers, I am trying to set the "-clipsrc" in multiple ways in C# and C++, getting "cannot load source clip geometry" error. Anything wrong here? Ogr2ogr it is working fine (ogr2ogr -clipsrc -9943693.00823441,5321545.9084732,-9943540.13417786,5321393.03441666 -f MVT ...) "-dsco",

Re: [gdal-dev] VRT performance Improvement

2020-08-10 Thread MRRAJESH
Rahkonen and develoeprs, We have used GeoPackage format, it is performing well. We have one more issue, can you suggest us We are using VRT file as input to GDALVectorTranslate in C++. Till 18 or 19 level, we are getting tiles. When we request for multiple 20th level tiles, we have big area

[gdal-dev] 100% CPU Usage and W3WP.exe suspended

2020-08-06 Thread MRRAJESH
Developers, We are using VRT file as input to GDALVectorTranslate in C++. Till 18 or 19 level, we are getting tiles. When we request for multiple 20th level tiles, CPU reaching to 100% and w3wp.exe suspended (crashed). Here we are using vsi memory buffer to store the tiles for each thread

Re: [gdal-dev] VRT performance Improvement

2020-07-28 Thread MRRAJESH
@Even or Developers, Please confirm on - "GDAL has methods for creating temporary attribute indexes so that we would not need to convert GeoJSON physically into some other format." Do we need to convert GeoJSON to some other format for better performance? Regards, Rajesh -- Sent from:

[gdal-dev] VRT performance Improvement

2020-07-28 Thread MRRAJESH
Developers, We are using VRT file (located in physical disk) as input to GDALVectorTranslate in C++. This VRT file pointing JSON file, which is little bigger size. How to improve the performance? const char *pszFilename = "C:\\Test\\MVT.vrt"; hSrcDS = (GDALDatasetH *)GDALOpenEx(pszFilename,

[gdal-dev] How to skip the creation of metadata.json in GDALVectorTranslate with C++

2020-07-27 Thread MRRAJESH
Developers, I am using C++ GDALVectorTranslate to translate from vrt to mvt. I want to skip the creation of metadata.json. How? dst = (GDALDataset *)GDALVectorTranslate(C:\\Temp\\Tests, NULL, 1, , opt, NULL); Regards, Rajesh -- Sent from:

[gdal-dev] How to improve the performance of VectorTranslate with VSIMEM in C++

2020-07-26 Thread MRRAJESH
Developers, Code is written in C++. It is taking time (say 30 sec to 1 min) for each mvt file. how to improve the performance. Objective is to get the ///.mvt file. Here each call is a thread. We are passing the VRT file as input. Output is vsimem. Options are - {"-dsco",

Re: [gdal-dev] How to destroy/free VSIMEM in C++

2020-07-21 Thread MRRAJESH
Right, this implementation is for MVT. Objective is to get the /18/66027/96262.mvt file We are passing the VRT file as input. Output is vsimem. Options are - {"-dsco", "TILE_EXTENSION=mvt", "-dsco", "COMPRESS=NO", "-dsco", "MINZOOM=18", "-dsco", "MAXZOOM=18"} Once we have multiple files

[gdal-dev] How to destroy/free VSIMEM in C++

2020-07-21 Thread MRRAJESH
Developers, Below is the GDALVectorTranslate C++ code. I am clearing the vsibuf with VSIUnlink. But still memory is not vanished. Do we need to call any other methods? try { . vsibufPath = string("/vsimem/mvt-") + GetUUID();

Re: [gdal-dev] GDAL SQLITE ID reserved column issue

2020-07-10 Thread MRRAJESH
Thanks for the information. ID is very common attribute which will be used in features representations. It would be good, if you provide a workaround or solution in next release or future release. Thanks again. Regards, Rajesh -- Sent from:

[gdal-dev] GDAL SQLITE ID reserved column issue

2020-07-10 Thread MRRAJESH
Developers, I am using ogr2ogr. My Test json file is having ID property - {"type":"Feature","id":"XX","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-9944478.9237651918,5330546.6922583049]},"properties":{*"ID"*:"NorthWest Territory","ToolTip":"NorthWest","Label":"Corporate Operations Boundary

[gdal-dev] GDAL SQLITE ID reserved column issue

2020-07-10 Thread MRRAJESH
Developers, I am using ogr2ogr. My Test json file is having ID property - {"type":"Feature","id":"XX","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-9944478.9237651918,5330546.6922583049]},"properties":{*"ID"*:"NorthWest Territory","ToolTip":"NorthWest","Label":"Corporate Operations Boundary

Re: [gdal-dev] How to convert GDAL Vector dataset to memory stream

2020-06-21 Thread MRRAJESH
Thanks Tamas for your information. I am able to open the MVT data file using OGR. I have referred your example and able to check the layer names and features. My requirement is: I need to return this entire MVT data i.e., datasource in stream format. How to achieve this? In one of the GDAL-DEV

Re: [gdal-dev] How to convert GDAL Vector dataset to memory stream

2020-06-20 Thread MRRAJESH
Hi Tamas, Thanks for your suggestions. Will it work for MVT memory dataset? We have an MVT memory dataset with us. How to convert this to memory stream. *Example: * . var vsibuf = string.Format(@"/vsimem/mvt"); var newDs = Gdal.wrapper_GDALVectorTranslateDestName(vsibuf, ds1, gdalOptions,

[gdal-dev] How to convert GDAL Vector dataset to memory stream

2020-06-17 Thread MRRAJESH
Hello list, I'm using GDAL via swig C# bindings. Is there a way to create memory stream from gdal vector dataset. If so, how can I achieve this. Thanks in advance Rajesh -- Sent from: ___