[gdal-dev] projection of GDAL and ArcMap

2010-03-12 Thread agnes123
Dear All, I'm trying to project a shapefile from Transverse Mercator projection with Krasovsky 1940 datum to Lambert Conformal Conic with D_Sphere_ARC_INFO datum by ArcMap and GDAL. I project the shapefile by importing it to the ArcMap which is with the target projection in advance. There is a

[gdal-dev] transformation from WGS84 to Sphere

2010-03-03 Thread agnes123
Dear all, i am trying to projection a shapefile from geodatic projection in WGS84 datum to geodatic projection in sphere datum by using the utility ogr2ogr . I defined the original projection as: '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs' and the target projection as : '+proj=longlat

[Gdal-dev] default pixel size in gdalwarp

2009-07-28 Thread agnes123
Dear all, i have one question on the default pixel size in gdalwarp. In gdalwarp, we can use -tr to determine output pixel size in x and y direction, however, if i omit the argument -tr , gdal will have a default pixel size value which is in target projection units. For example, if the