Motion: To promote the GDAL 1.5.4 RC1 release candidate to be our official
GDAL 1.5.4 release.
I also declare +1 for this based on my limited testing after packaging it
for OSGeo4W.
I declare the motion passes with support from EvenR, DanielM (privately)
and FrankW.
I will promote to r
Le Wednesday 07 January 2009 18:35:12, vous avez écrit :
> * # (PG): Fix crash on GetFeature(fid) where fid is invalid.
# is #2767
> Motion: To promote the GDAL 1.5.4 RC1 release candidate to be our official
> GDAL 1.5.4 release.
+ 1
I have prepared a 1.5.4 release candidate and posted it to the download area:
The release NEWS is:
= GDAL/OGR 1.5.4 =
* #2462 (HDF5): Fix SUBDATSET numbering from zero to from one.