I have PostgreSQL 9.4 running on a 64-bit Centos 6.4 machine,  I have
then used "yum" to install
    gdal.x86_64            1.9.2-6.rhel6
    gdal-devel.x86_64      1.9.2-6.rhel6
    gdal-java.x86_64       1.9.2-6.rhel6
    gdal-libs.x86_64       1.9.2-6.rhel6
all from the pgdg94 repository.  And when I do
   ogr2ogr --formats | grep "Post"
I get
  -> "PostgreSQL" (read/write)

I also a 32-bit Centos 6.4 machine, on which I have used to remove
PostgreSQL 8.4 and install PostgreSQL 9.4.  I have then used "yum" to
    gdal.i686                        1.9.2-6.rhel6
    gdal-devel.i686                  1.9.2-6.rhel6
    gdal-java.i686                   1.9.2-6.rhel6
    gdal-libs.i686                   1.9.2-6.rhel6
again all from the pgdg94 repository.  But ogr2ogr is unable to
connect to the database.  When I do
   ogr2ogr --formats | grep "Post"
I get nothing.

It LOOKS like the 32-bit gdal packages from the pgdg94 repository do
not have PostgreSQL drivers.  Which makes no sense to me, given that I
believe that the pgdg94 is maintained by the Postgres project.

How do I track down what has gone wrong and fix it?


Robert Inder,                                    0131 229 1052 / 07808 492 213
Interactive Information Ltd,   3, Lauriston Gardens, Edinburgh EH3 9HH
Registered in Scotland, Company no. SC 150689
                                           Interactions speak louder than words
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