Greg Coats <gregcoats <at>> writes:

> With GDAL 1.7.2, released 2010/04/23, I used gdalbuildvrt to build a .vrt file
that points to 726
> GeoJPEG2000 images. Then, I use QGIS 1.5.0, release 13519M to pan and zoom
through these images. When
> zoomed in, how do I get Qgis to identify which ONE of the raster images in the
.vrt file is currently being
> displayed? Greg


Partial solution might be to create index shapefile with gdaltindex and open it
with QGis as well. Still you won't know for sure which one of the overlapping
images is on the top. It should be possible to add an index field into shapefile
and sort both the .vrt and the shapefile in a similar way.  Last file in the vrt
file is probably drawn on top but I am not sure.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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