
Your suggestion sounds plausible is and probably both correct and necessary. But unfortunately it is still not working with your patch, so I guess there must be an additional problem. Regardless of using the patch or not, and adding "--debug on" or not, the output from gdalinfo is:

>gdalinfo --debug on avhrr_20120227_235800_noaa19.hrp
ERROR 4: `avhrr_20120227_235800_noaa19.hrp' not recognised as a supported file format.
gdalinfo failed - unable to open 'avhrr_20120227_235800_noaa19.hrp'.

After investigations, I have found one potential reason: According to this page, this file (from Eumetcast antenna) is in Big Endian format:
("- For NOAA KLM and NN': HRPT data, expanded to 16 bits, big endian, bzip2 compressed.")

I see there are some old discussions related to endianness in GDAL:

and it is also mentioned in the driver tutorial:
http://www.gdal.org/gdal_drivertut.html  (keyword "bNativeOrder")

But I am not able to see how to fix this problem, and not sure if endianness is relevant at all? I could make available a sample file for anyone interested to look at the problem.

Best regards from Knut-Frode

On 28. feb. 2012 17:06, Even Rouault wrote:

I've skimmed quickly through the driver code and if you are lucky, it is
probably just a matter of changing a few lines (well, I can be wrong).

If you have a debug build of GDAL, you can first try to run "gdalinfo --debug on
avhrr_20120227_235800_noaa19.hrp" . My guess (based on
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NOAA-19 saying that NOAA-19 = NOAA-N' and NOOA-N'
appearing in commented code of the driver...) would be that you would see :
"Unknown spacecraft ID "8"".

If so, you could test the following patch :

Index: l1bdataset.cpp
--- l1bdataset.cpp      (revision 24036)
+++ l1bdataset.cpp      (working copy)
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
      NOAA16,     // NOAA-16(L)
      NOAA17,     // NOAA-17(M)
      NOAA18,     // NOAA-18(N)
+    NOAA19,     // NOAA-19(N')
      METOP2      // METOP-2(A)

@@ -1025,10 +1026,10 @@
              case 7:
                  eSpacecraftID = NOAA18;
-            /* FIXME: find appropriate samples and test these two cases:
-             * case 8:
-                eSpacecraftID = NOAA-N';
+            case 8:
+                eSpacecraftID = NOAA19;
+            /* FIXME: find appropriate samples and test that case:
              case 11:
                  eSpacecraftID = METOP-1;
@@ -1155,6 +1156,9 @@
          case NOAA18:
              pszText = "NOAA-18(N)";
+        case NOAA19:
+            pszText = "NOAA-19(N')";
+            break;
          case METOP2:
              pszText = "METOP-2(A)";

Perhaps Andrey Kiselev, the author of the driver, would have better clues.

Best regards,


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