Re: [gdal-dev] Why gdal_rasterize fails with MBTiles output?

2017-12-18 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (MML)
to believe that there is something wrong with srs of input vectors. -Jukka- Lähettäjä: Even Rouault [] Lähetetty: 18. joulukuuta 2017 13:12 Vastaanottaja: Kopio: Rahkonen Jukka (MML) <> Aihe: Re: [gdal-dev] Why gdal

Re: [gdal-dev] Why gdal_rasterize fails with MBTiles output?

2017-12-18 Thread Even Rouault
Jukka, > > gdal_rasterize -ot Byte -burn 255 -burn 0 -burn 0 -ts 4950 4950 > -of MBTiles points_3857.json points_3857.mbtiles > ERROR 6: Could not find an appropriate zoom level that matches raster pixel > size The error message says it all, doesn't it ? MBTiles only accepts a single tiling

[gdal-dev] Why gdal_rasterize fails with MBTiles output?

2017-12-18 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (MML)
Hi, Captured from gis.stackexchange I made some test data in EPSG:3857 and while GeoTIFF output works fine with GDAL 2.3dev gdal_rasterize -ot Byte -burn 255 -burn 0 -burn 0 -ts 4950 4950 -of GTiff