I have a complex OpenFileGDB file, which has inside a lot of relations and
then a lot of non-geometric tables.
I need to spatially extract/clip 1/3 of this.

So I thought I'd make a copy and to use an external layer not as clip (that
maintains inside), but as an eraser.
This way I am sure that all relations are preserved, as well as
non-geometric tables.
If I use clipsrc, I think that the new layer clipped has the correct
geometry information, but loses all relationships.

Is there something to apply something like erase to a layer via ogr2ogr?

Thank you


Andrea Borruso
website: https://medium.com/tantotanto
38° 7' 48" N, 13° 21' 9" E, EPSG:4326

"cercare e saper riconoscere chi e cosa,
 in mezzo all’inferno, non è inferno,
e farlo durare, e dargli spazio"

Italo Calvino
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