Re: [gdal-dev] Create COG jpeg tiles with JFIF APPn markers

2022-04-05 Thread Even Rouault
Jose, Those tiles contain normal JPEG markers (SOI, SOF0, DQT) but no JFIF marker (APP/n/) is added. How can I ensure adding this JFIF marker? you can't, unless you're ready to patch the JPEG codec in libtiff to do that I should point to

Re: [gdal-dev] Create COG jpeg tiles with JFIF APPn markers

2022-04-05 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (MML)
Hi, I would like to inform that you did write mail to the right place even you have not received any answers yet. Unfortunately your question is too specific for most GDAL users and capable developers are very busy as you can see from the GitHub activity. Let's still hope that somebody reacts.