
I'm trying to use libgerbv to perform some rudimentary DRC of a set of RS274x 
files. Specifically, I'm trying to calculate minimum track spacing.

After doing some initial playing around, it appears that treating it as a 
vector problem, by enumerating net vectors and comparing them with neighbouring 
nets is just too error-prone and slow, especially when you have boards with 
fills created from lots of traces.
So my current solution is to step through the canvas in the x and y axes, and 
seeing if that pixel is copper or a space. This only returns track spaces in 
the vertical and horizontal directions, but this  is sufficient, and usually 
gives a good idea if a board is manufacturable or not.
Right now, I'm exporting the image to a suitably sized PNG and working on that 
with separate scripts, and getting sensible results, but I would like to do 
without this extra step if possible.
Is there any libgerbv function available that returns if coordinate (x,y) is 
coloured / blank? I couldn't find one.
I think I'm going to have to render the layer to a pixmap of the appropriate 
size to get the required accuracy, and then inspect the pixels in that pixmap 
row by row and column by column.
If there is a better approach, or you have any other ideas, please let me know.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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