> I see, you used polygons.
> Make sure, the fab can deal with negative gerber layers. 

The new (CVS) version always creates all positive-only gerber files. This 
should increase the number of fabs that are happy with pcb's gerber files.

There are 5 styles of thermals available, all of which are formed entirely from 
holes (or lack thereof for solid thermals) cut in the polygon. Thus there are 
no thermal "fingers" which can bump into or cause clearance violations with 
other structures. The command-line interface to changing the thermal (on the 
current layer) is ":SetThermal(Object|Selected|SelectedPins|SelectedVias, x)"
where x is the thermal style, a number 0 through 5.

0 means no thermal.
1 means "X" style thermal with sharp edges.
2 means "+" style thermal with sharp edges.
3 means solid connection to the plane
4 means "X" style with rounded edges
5 means "+" style with rounded edges.

You can shift-click with the thermal tool to cycle a thermal through the 
different styles.

If you cleave a polygon into pieces with any combination of clearing objects, 
the "islands" will be automatically removed. The largest area of the polygon 
remains. You can view the removed islands with the "check polygons" setting in 
the menu. Old designs that had polygon islands where the island was connected 
through another layer will be missing copper when loaded. You can restore the 
islands as new polygons with a command ":MorphPolygon(Object)" (performed over 
the remaing portion of the polygon). If you have many such cleaved polygons, 
you can restore all of them at once by selecting everything then commanding 
":MorphPolygon(Selected)". Extremely tiny islands will not be restored. You may 
want to manually delete some small islands if you morph polygons. Simply delete 
them with the delete tool.

The connection searching should never produce erroneous results about 
connections due to polygon clearances now.

Presently there is no DRC checking for too-thin regions within polygons (nor 
was there previously) but this is on my to-do list along with checking for 
too-sharp angles in a polygon.

This CVS code is of alpha quality; it has had limited testing - I need testers.


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