Stefan Salewski wrote:

>Before I try to make my own:
>Are 3-pin footprints for trimmer capacitors available for gEDA/pcb?

Here is my first draft (2 orientations)

# Pcb element (footprint) for trimmer with 3 pins, 7.5mm diameter
# S. Salewski, 31-JUL-2007
# Distance pin1 to pin2 is 200mil, distance pin1 to pin 3 is sqrt(80000)=283mil
# 1o
# 2o  o3

Element(0x0 "Trimmer-3pin-7.5mm-1" "" "" 0 0 -175 -300 0 100 0x0)
   Pin(-100 -100 80 20 100 50 "" "1" 0x0001)
   Pin(-100  100 80 20 100 50 "" "2" 0x0001)
   Pin( 100  100 80 20 100 50 "" "3" 0x0001)
   ElementArc(0 0 175 175 60 60 10)
   ElementArc(0 0 175 175 150 150 10)
   ElementArc(0 0 175 175 330 60 10)

# Pcb element (footprint) for trimmer with 3 pins, 7.5mm diameter
# S. Salewski, 31-JUL-2007
# Distance pin1 to pin2 is 200mil, distance pin1 to pin 3 is sqrt(80000)=283mil
# 1o      o3
#     2o

Element(0x0 "Trimmer-3pin-7.5mm-2" "" "" 0 0 -175 -300 0 100 0x0)
   Pin(-141 0 80 20 100 50 "" "1" 0x0001)
   Pin( 0  141 80 20 100 50 "" "2" 0x0001)
   Pin( 141 0 80 20 100 50 "" "3" 0x0001)
   ElementArc(0 0 175 175 15 60 10)
   ElementArc(0 0 175 175 105 60 10)
   ElementArc(0 0 175 175 195 150 10)

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