Catholic educators back Indonesia bid to stop intolerance 
Teaching traditional values in schools seen as a way to silence the call of 
Franciscan Father Vinsensius Darmin Mbula, chairman of the National Council of 
Catholic Education, agrees with the Indonesian government's emphasis on 
character building of students in an effort to curb extremism and intolerance. 
(Photo by Ryan Dagur)

Katharina R. Lestari, Jakarta 
Indonesia January 30, 2017 
Catholic educators welcomed a government plan to involve schools and teachers 
in the fight against intolerance by having them teach the values of state 

Education Minister Muhadjir Effendy said recently that the ministry would teach 
the tenets of Pancasila ("five principles") in all elementary and junior high 
schools through special activities rather than conventional teaching methods.

Indonesian philosophy, Pancasila, stipulates belief in one God, a just and 
civilized society, a united Indonesia, democracy guided by consensus, and 
social justice for all citizens.

Making these principles properly understood and liveable in daily life can 
serve as a solution to curb the intolerance and radicalism that threatens 
national unity. The minister suggested that schools spend eight hours a week on 
these subjects, in the classroom and during extra-curricular activities.

Franciscan Father Vinsensius Darmin Mbula, chairman of the National Council of 
Catholic Education, said that the government's plan is in line with principles 
emphasized by Catholic schools.

"Catholic schools have long committed to instil these values in students," he 

However, with growing intolerance in the country, all efforts must be geared to 
re-actualize traditional values and support Indonesian educators and 
institutions if needed, the priest said.

Earlier, President Joko Widodo called on teachers and schools to focus on 
character-building activities and teaching students the values of democracy, 
following a series of mass rallies held by hard-line group the Islamic 
Defenders Front in 2016 in Jakarta to demand the city's Christian governor, 
Basuki Tjahaja Purnama be put to death for blasphemy.

Galdinus Olva, a teacher at the Catholic-run, Marsudirini Elementary School in 
East Jakarta, acknowledged that many students have a poor understanding of the 
basic value of communal life, partly because teachers lack the knowledge and 
skills to teach the subject.

"The plan will be effective if the government can firstly provide teachers with 
adequate skills," he said and also provide them with relevant text books to 
avoid mistakes.

The teacher said that the government must also involve parents in implementing 
values by having them monitor students' activities outside school.

"We spend only one hour a week teaching good values to students," he said, 
which is not enough.

According to 2014 data from the Central Statistics Bureau, elementary students 
nationwide numbered 26.5 million and were taught by 1.5 million teachers, 
including those at Catholic schools, while junior high school students numbered 
9.7 million and were guided by 590,000 teachers

Indra Charismiadji, a Catholic education consultant, also agreed with the 
government's plan, but he said that it would take time to reach fruition. 
"Educators must be like Jesus, who teaches parables, not doctrines," he said.

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